You may run into issues when attempting to use the .tar
Kind Regards, Sean
@Sean Crifasi Thank you for your very quick answer
I have untar the file but now I have
Error Code: 68:481] Description: The source folder C:\Users\commvault\Downloads\Commvault_Maintenance_11_22_22_linux-x8664] is empty or doesn't have any valid Commvault media. Source: pcpo99a00c, Process: DownloadSoftware
It is strange because the folder seems to be good
Can you try to place the file on the C:\temp\ if a temp does not exist create one.
Would be like
C:\temp\Commvault_Maintenance_11_22_22_linux-x8664.tar and then try to copy that again.
how did you solve this problem?
Did it resolve the issue?
my problem was solved when i tried to download and copy the whole package.