The job is a VM restore, I share the cvd.log output
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 stat- ID [DMBaseClose], Samples [59], Time [0.011945] Sec(s), Average [0.000202] Sec/Sample
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 stat- ID [DMBaseChunkClose], Samples [64], Time [0.009216] Sec(s), Average [0.000144] Sec/Sample
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] SendCtrlBuf: Sending Ctrl Msg 0x85
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 ###### CPipelayer::SendPipelineBuffer() - Tail has reported error [98][Services on the tail side of the SDT pipe are going down.]. Cannot continue.
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Error in flushing the current buffer.
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] FinishRestore: Restore completed. StopCode [0x1]-[Destroy recvd from client], StopCodeClnt [1]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: AppTy 106, Total AF 59, Seeks 12/14483/14483, WrkItms 216602, MxRdr (Bsy-Tot: 1-4, Pnd 0), MsgsRcvd 735, QLen 0, LstMsg FSR_MSG_DESTROY
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: [CtrlCh Idle Time] Exp Avg [0.08], Total Avg [0.08], Total Time [9.99], Total Count [121]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: [Seek Time] Exp Avg [0.00], Total Avg [0.00], Total Time [2.99], Total Count [14483]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: [AllocBuf Time] Exp Avg [0.00], Total Avg [0.00], Total Time [54.40], Total Count [374718]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: [AllocBuf Speed] Curr Avg [430.23] MB/Sec, Bytes [24542530128]; Total Avg [430.23] MB/Sec, Bytes [24542530128]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: [MediaRead Time] Exp Avg [0.00], Total Avg [0.00], Total Time [33.17], Total Count [374718]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: [MediaRead Speed] Curr Avg [261.07] MB/Sec, Bytes [9079855410]; Total Avg [261.07] MB/Sec, Bytes [9079855410]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: Total links [0], Blks Size Avg/Total [0/0] bytes; TagData [345672], TagDataSize [9040869698] bytes
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] SendCtrlBuf: Sending Ctrl Msg 0x14C
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 ###### SdtNetLink::recvMsgPacket() - Received SDT_LINK_FIN packet.
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 Closing all sockets. RCId [3]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 ###### SdtNetLink::recvMsgPacket() - The other side has closed the network connection gracefully
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 SdtBase::setLastErr: Setting last err [92][The other side has closed the network connection gracefully] RCId [3]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 ###### CPipelayer::SendPipelineBuffer() - Cannot peek for message. Error [92][The other side has closed the network connection gracefully]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Error in flushing the current buffer.
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] SendCtrlBuf: Could not allocate pipeline buf
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Removing all SEEK msgs from queue. QLen = 0
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Removed 0 SEEK msgs from queue. QLen = 0
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 ###### [FSRESTHEAD ] SCtrlSess::RelRef: Deleting CtrlSess obj [000000B2933F0510] as ref. count is 0. Listener [0], JobId [174330], SockFd: (6408/-1)
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] RelRef: Deleting restore head as ref. count is 0.
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 SdtBase::relRef: Going to delete SdtBase as ref count is down to 0. RCId [3]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 SdtBase is being destroyed. RCId [3]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 Name [Head], Start Delay [2672.76 s], Avg [7.13 ms], Procsng Time [37.38 s], Avg [99.70 us], Bytes [8.47 GB], Speed [232.09 MB/s], Samples [374956] RCId [3]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 Name [Head CRC32], Start Delay [7.19 s], Avg [19.17 us], Procsng Time [19.46 s], Avg [51.89 us], Bytes [8.47 GB], Speed [445.99 MB/s], Samples [374956] RCId [3]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 Name [Head Network], Start Delay [7652.27 s], Avg [20.41 ms], Procsng Time [93.83 s], Avg [250.25 us], Bytes [8.47 GB], Speed [92.47 MB/s], Samples [374956] RCId [3]
9540 16b4 08/29 21:35:37 174319 1-# [DM_BASE ] LAStateInfo: Waiting for Datamover Cmd. LinksRead=2/0/2, FreeQ=256, TempQ=0, BusyQ=0, RCID=16/1, RID=-1, TID=5812, State=0/0, Line=684
9540 16fc 08/29 21:35:52 174319 11-# [FSRESTHEAD ] OnIncomingData: Recvd FSR_MSG_KEEPALIVE
9540 2610 08/29 21:36:08 ###### cccAuthServer() - Only built-in certificate is loaded. Client name requested by remote end: (commvault-drp)(). Physical node in the registry: (commvault-drp_new).
9540 24f0 08/29 21:36:08 ###### cccAuthServer() - Only built-in certificate is loaded. Client name requested by remote end: (commvault-drp)(). Physical node in the registry: (commvault-drp_new).
9540 2324 08/29 21:36:09 174319 16-# [FSRESTHEAD ] OnIncomingData: Recvd FSR_MSG_KEEPALIVE9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 stat- ID [DMBaseClose], Samples [59], Time [0.011945] Sec(s), Average [0.000202] Sec/Sample
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 stat- ID [DMBaseChunkClose], Samples [64], Time [0.009216] Sec(s), Average [0.000144] Sec/Sample
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] SendCtrlBuf: Sending Ctrl Msg 0x85
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 ###### CPipelayer::SendPipelineBuffer() - Tail has reported error [98][Services on the tail side of the SDT pipe are going down.]. Cannot continue.
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Error in flushing the current buffer.
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] FinishRestore: Restore completed. StopCode [0x1]-[Destroy recvd from client], StopCodeClnt [1]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: AppTy 106, Total AF 59, Seeks 12/14483/14483, WrkItms 216602, MxRdr (Bsy-Tot: 1-4, Pnd 0), MsgsRcvd 735, QLen 0, LstMsg FSR_MSG_DESTROY
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: [CtrlCh Idle Time] Exp Avg [0.08], Total Avg [0.08], Total Time [9.99], Total Count [121]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: [Seek Time] Exp Avg [0.00], Total Avg [0.00], Total Time [2.99], Total Count [14483]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: [AllocBuf Time] Exp Avg [0.00], Total Avg [0.00], Total Time [54.40], Total Count [374718]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: [AllocBuf Speed] Curr Avg [430.23] MB/Sec, Bytes [24542530128]; Total Avg [430.23] MB/Sec, Bytes [24542530128]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: [MediaRead Time] Exp Avg [0.00], Total Avg [0.00], Total Time [33.17], Total Count [374718]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: [MediaRead Speed] Curr Avg [261.07] MB/Sec, Bytes [9079855410]; Total Avg [261.07] MB/Sec, Bytes [9079855410]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Stats: Total links [0], Blks Size Avg/Total [0/0] bytes; TagData [345672], TagDataSize [9040869698] bytes
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] SendCtrlBuf: Sending Ctrl Msg 0x14C
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 ###### SdtNetLink::recvMsgPacket() - Received SDT_LINK_FIN packet.
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 Closing all sockets. RCId [3]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 ###### SdtNetLink::recvMsgPacket() - The other side has closed the network connection gracefully
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 SdtBase::setLastErr: Setting last err [92][The other side has closed the network connection gracefully] RCId [3]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 ###### CPipelayer::SendPipelineBuffer() - Cannot peek for message. Error [92][The other side has closed the network connection gracefully]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Error in flushing the current buffer.
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] SendCtrlBuf: Could not allocate pipeline buf
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Removing all SEEK msgs from queue. QLen = 0
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] Removed 0 SEEK msgs from queue. QLen = 0
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 ###### [FSRESTHEAD ] SCtrlSess::RelRef: Deleting CtrlSess obj [000000B2933F0510] as ref. count is 0. Listener [0], JobId [174330], SockFd: (6408/-1)
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 28-# [FSRESTHEAD ] RelRef: Deleting restore head as ref. count is 0.
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 SdtBase::relRef: Going to delete SdtBase as ref count is down to 0. RCId [3]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 SdtBase is being destroyed. RCId [3]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 Name [Head], Start Delay [2672.76 s], Avg [7.13 ms], Procsng Time [37.38 s], Avg [99.70 us], Bytes [8.47 GB], Speed [232.09 MB/s], Samples [374956] RCId [3]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 Name [Head CRC32], Start Delay [7.19 s], Avg [19.17 us], Procsng Time [19.46 s], Avg [51.89 us], Bytes [8.47 GB], Speed [445.99 MB/s], Samples [374956] RCId [3]
9540 21e4 08/29 21:35:28 174330 Name [Head Network], Start Delay [7652.27 s], Avg [20.41 ms], Procsng Time [93.83 s], Avg [250.25 us], Bytes [8.47 GB], Speed [92.47 MB/s], Samples [374956] RCId [3]
9540 16b4 08/29 21:35:37 174319 1-# [DM_BASE ] LAStateInfo: Waiting for Datamover Cmd. LinksRead=2/0/2, FreeQ=256, TempQ=0, BusyQ=0, RCID=16/1, RID=-1, TID=5812, State=0/0, Line=684
9540 16fc 08/29 21:35:52 174319 11-# [FSRESTHEAD ] OnIncomingData: Recvd FSR_MSG_KEEPALIVE
9540 2610 08/29 21:36:08 ###### cccAuthServer() - Only built-in certificate is loaded. Client name requested by remote end: (commvault-drp)(). Physical node in the registry: (commvault-drp_new).
9540 24f0 08/29 21:36:08 ###### cccAuthServer() - Only built-in certificate is loaded. Client name requested by remote end: (commvault-drp)(). Physical node in the registry: (commvault-drp_new).
9540 2324 08/29 21:36:09 174319 16-# [FSRESTHEAD ] OnIncomingData: Recvd FSR_MSG_KEEPALIVE