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Hi Team,


Is there a way to have two approvers in the authorization workflows(delete job, delete client, delete storage policy workflows etc.)? Until both did not authorize the approval email, deletion should not happen.

Hi @Stark,

Unfortunately, at the moment these “delete authorization” workflows only support having one user approve the request.  You can have multiple different users set as authorizing users, but in order for the delete request to be approved, only one user needs to approve the request.  


I am sure with some customization on the default workflows this can be performed.  You can request any custom workflow to be created (or modified) through our professional services team.  You can contact this team through your account rep.


In summary though, to answer your question, there is no out of the box configuration that will require two users to approve any delete request.  


This feature is coming in the future

Thanks @JBuratti and @Amey Karandikar for the quick response. 
I will check this in future FR.