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Automatic deletion of retired client as per defined days


Hi All,


I s there any automation that can be done to delete retired clients after say 28 days.

Best answer by Greg Smolen

@Rahul18081 You can run the “Audit Trail Report” -


Audit Trail report -


On the report, you can search for instances of “Retire Client”. You will see an output similar to the following screenshot:




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10 replies

Mike Struening

@Rahul18081 , I’m not aware of anything built in.  You can likely create a Workflow to do this.

If I may ask, what is your end goal here?  There might be a better way to get you to your desired outcome!

  • Author
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  • February 17, 2022

@Mike Struening :- We are using Commvault a Private Backup as a services were our Commvault admin team charges as per client backup consuming the storage. If the client is decommissioned and we have not deleted it from the Commvault then its backup will still be available and we will be charged. We can’t delete the client when its decomm from Wintel end as we need to keep it for 28 days as per our retention.

After 28 days we then can delete it from Commcell console. But as it requires manual intervention and if we forget to delete the retired client the Commvault admin team will charge us for the client that was decomm.

Hope you are able to understood my issue. 

Mike Struening

Makes perfect sense, thank you!

What about using this option?

This way, you can automate the backup deletion and solve your problem far more easily!

Days to keep jobs of de-configured clients

Definition: Specifies the number of days to retain the jobs of deconfigured clients.


  • Data Aging will honor the highest of storage policy copy days retention or the number of days specified in this parameter.

  • If you want to use only days retention and ignore the cycle retention, set Ignore Cycles Retention on De-Configured Clients parameters as 1.

  • Spool copy ignores this parameter and continues to honor the spool retention (zero days and zero cycle).

    Default Value: 0

    Range: -1  to 11000 days. (-1 is for infinite retention)

  • Author
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  • February 17, 2022

@Mike Struening  Thanks for the update but there is a catch that there other projects whose backups are also been managed by same Commserve and setting this configuration will delete there data of de-configure clients after 28 days.


Please suggest 

Mike Struening

In that case, you’re better of creating a Workflow to check the client list, pull the deconfigured list, and delete them.

I have a question though….if you have other projects that the aging setting would affect, how would you ensure this Workflow doesn’t delete those clients?  I’m assuming you have a Client group assigned to help filter things out?

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  • February 17, 2022

@Mike Struening   Yes, we have Client Computer groups and storage polices differentiating the clients for multiple projects.

i am not much expert in Work flow creation can you help me to create one.

Mike Struening

We do have some docs on learning to create a Workflow, which might help you get started, though a Workflow like this would be quite complex (you’d need to make sure it is absolutely airtight and doesn’t delete the wrong thing, etc.).

Unfortunately, it’s not something simple enough that we could plan it out here and get it created.  You’ll need to define a mechanism to get the list, then delete based on that output, as well as have some checks along the way.

Give this tutorial a shot:

See how comfortable you are with the various pieces.  If you feel confident, you should be able to piece together the parts to accomplish this task; however, I would strongly advise contacting your Account Rep to look into Personalization Services.

Conversely, I can look into creating a CMR to get this function added, though there’s no guarantee it will be created nor any ETA.

Let me know what works best for you!

  • Author
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  • February 18, 2022

@Mike Struening  Thanks for the update. Request you to please update if there is any report they can fetch the list of retired clients.

Mike Struening

@Rahul18081 , I believe you can get that data from these REST API calls but I’m not sure what no license would look like:


Client Properties


also check here:

I’ll have someone confirm.

  • Vaulter
  • 14 replies
  • Answer
  • February 22, 2022

@Rahul18081 You can run the “Audit Trail Report” -


Audit Trail report -


On the report, you can search for instances of “Retire Client”. You will see an output similar to the following screenshot:




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