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I had enabled the enable reply via email and had updated the Email Approval details in the Workflow as mentioned in


Now the workflow is not sending the approval mail


I’m getting the following error : 

javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Missing final ‘@domain’ in string “Test”


As its a predefined workflow , I’m unable to find this 

Please help me where do we need to make the update



Where do i set the Reply to mail id?



Hi @alligator !  Is Test the name of a user you are using to test out the WF?

If so, does that user have an email address that is valid?

If not, what variable/entity is named Test within this WF?


No, there is no user with name “Test” 

the workflow here i’m using is the pre-defined one

GetAndProcessAuthorization, so havent added any input/variables!/136/670/11878


I just deployed the Get and Process Authorization workflow to process authorization requests from Business Logic workflows.

and enabled the check box for Enable reply via email in GetAuthorization activity.


to use Email approval

I also enabled the Email Approval section in 

Right Click on Workflows > All Tasks > Email Approval


Can you look at the Users tab and the Inputs tab and see what is shown?

The error is definitely coming from this activity, from UserInput_1.  We just need to see if there’s a blank/test email that is not valid n(with the intention of it being corrected from the template).

:( no luck, I dont see an input / user “Test”






Hmmm….it’s pulling it from somewhere, though without clicking around to check, it’s hard to see.

@Chris Sunderland might have an idea, though I’d say this is likely worth a support case.

@Mike Struening , sure then let me check with support, and will update the thread with the progress...

thank you :)

I just tried this workflow again, and now I’m getting the email , its not giving the java mail address error anymore.

However, now its Waiting for the response (Accept/ Deny) eventhough i replied with the right Action keyword.

The response is not being processed by the Workflow. 

Inching closer, then? 🤣

I’m curious if the email was seen, and ignored, or not seen/received?

Let me know the support case so I can track it on my end.

@Mike Struening , Sorry for late reply.

the user response is not being processed by commvault is because the mailbox that we have configured for storing the reponse has Two Factor authentication enabled.

So it was getting timed out trying to authenticate to the mailbox.

Case# 220919-184, a CMR Is also created : CMR 369848

So for now we cannot process the response with email reply.




Interesting.  thanks for sharing the CMR number.

I don’t see any ETA listed or hinted at, though that’s normal for a new CMR.

If you need any update on the CMR over time, reply here and I’ll check for you.
