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I would like retrieve the instance size information for each VM for a specific job?


Is there any qcommand / API that i can use to get this info

Hello @alligator 

Thanks for the great question. The way V2 VSA backup jobs work is that you will have a parent VM job but each individual VM will have its own child job. You should be able to use the following API on the child jobID:


If you are using the V1 agent then it will be 1 job with all the VM’s inside of it. If that is the case i recommend moving to the V2 agent.


Kind regards

Albert Williams

Is there an API to get the VM Job ID from vsaParentJobID?

When i try to Get Job Details using the HTTPClient using the VSAParentJobID, its not yielding any results?





Without parentjobID how will i be able to query/list the VM job ID
