I’m having a problem with POST requests using the api - I’m trying to create a new AWS RDS instance but every time the response is returns: Request body is empty or format is invalid. if the password is base64 then >
"errorMessage": "Please provide a Binary Directory."
I have exported the json payload directly from the webconsole using “equivalent api”
URL: https://Uhostname]/webconsole/api/Instance
"instanceProperties": {
"description": "",
"instance": {
"instanceName": "aurora/api-commvault-testoeu-west-2]",
"applicationId": 125,
"clientId": 1514,
"clientName": "comm-test1"
"version": "12.8",
"postGreSQLInstance": {
"MaintainenceDB": "postgres",
"port": "api-commvault-test.cluster-cs3xzph9yufx.eu-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com:5432",
"SAUser": {
"userName": "commvault_admin",
"password": "M2VrdkZnbDFjd3VTVXpUelUuRWpeS3ZwdG0waTNC"
"ArchiveDelete": false,
"logStoragePolicy": {
"storagePolicyId": 1
"standbyOptions": {
"isStandbyEnabled": false,
"useMasterForDataBkp": false,
"useMasterForLogBkp": false
"cloudDBEngineType": "AURORA_POSTGRESQL"
"planEntity": {
"planId": 57
I have tried locally using python and also the api-explorer but the response is always the same.
I have no problems with authentication and all Get requests work fine
Any help?