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I have just started getting into understanding how the Commvault REST APIs work and the types of data and control that can be done with them.  

I imported the collection into Postman, got logged in to the web server OK and can get output from all the basic GET commands, but have not been able to get some POST commands to work yet after trying a few. One that I am interested in working with is POST Testboot (and then also planned and unplanned failovers, so that I may orchestrate multiple failover groups).  

The response is: “Request body is empty or format is invalid.”

Here is an example of my JSON body:


    "taskInfo": {

        "task": {

            "taskFlags": {

                "disabled": 0


            "taskType": 1,

            "ownerId": 1,

            "initiatedFrom": 2,

            "sequenceNumber": 0,

            "ownerName": "admin"


        "subTasks": {

            "subTask": {

                "subTaskType": 1,

                "operationType": 4046


            "options": {

                "adminOpts": {

                    "drOrchestrationOption": {

                        "vApp": {

                            "vAppId": 40,

                            "vAppName": "2-other-svcs"


                        "advancedOptions": {

                            "skipDisableNetworkAdapter": 0


                        "operationType": 7,

                        "initiatedfromMonitor": 0




            "subTaskOperation": 1




Hi @JohnCom,


Can we please have a support incident opened with the logs / database uploaded?  The json that you provided above is certainly in a valid format, which suggests that the cause of the error is likely an issue reading or interpreting the arguments from the payload you’re sending.


To find the cause of the problem, we’ll need to analyze your WebServer log, and potentially cross-reference values out of your database to determine how to correct this for you.  This would be best done via a Support incident.


-Brian Bruno

Yep, I can do that.  Thanks.   

@JohnCom , can you share the case number once you create it so I can track it?


Case number 220304-298    

I had actually opened it in the morning because I wasn’t sure what the response was like on the Community here.  They didn’t say what logs they wanted yet so I didn’t upload any yet.  

Looks like the engineer replicated this in their lab, so logs might not be needed just yet (or at all).

I’ll keep an eye on this one!

They responded with some tweaks to the body, which worked for me.  I don’t know if they’ll include it in maintenance releases or not.  



Appreciate you sharing!!!