Hi All,
I have a bit of a challenge on my hands. I’m migrating a customer to the new SharePoint agent, but I cannot seem to find a way to effectively select the needed content.
The situation is as follows the customer has 51K sites, but most of them are created by students, and should not be part of the backup. So we only want 1300 in the backup. In the previous agent I could do some magic with regex to make this happen. But I do not see a good solution in the new agent.
Both the Mail and OneDrive agent give me the opportunity to work with groups, but the SharePoint agent only has all sites, all group sites and project sites. Or i have to click 1300 sites which is not feasible,
I also looked of a json to do this, but ne new agent does not take the json format of the old agent so that does not seem to be a solution as well.
Anyone have any idea how I can do this, and possibly automate it so we can update the site content occasionally?