I am using below api endpoint and updating the filters of the subclient:
   "vmFilter": {
    "children": l
      "allOrAnyChildren": true,
      "description": "",
      "displayName": "Ans_Jen_serv1",
      "equalsOrNotEquals": true,
      "name": "553b108a-dbc8-b7cv-e69n-e35622f6gh70",
      "path": "Ans_Jen_Saurabh",
      "type": 9
      "allOrAnyChildren": true,
      "description": "",
      "displayName": "Ans_Jen_serv2",
      "equalsOrNotEquals": true,
      "name": "503df9ca-c7ca-e09b-333d-fc0787a5c9d0",
      "path": "Ans_Jenkins_Vishak",
      "type": 9
I have updated the payload with the vmFilter children in which I have updated the content and remove Ans_Jen_Serv1. It did get updated successfully. Below is the updated payload when I printed:
"{\"children\": m{\"equalsOrNotEquals\": true, \"displayName\": \"Ans_Jen_serv2\", \"allOrAnyChildren\": true, \"description\": \"\", \"type\": 9, \"path\": \"Ans_Jen_serv2\", \"name\": \"503df9ca-c7ca-e09b-333d-fc0787a5c9d0\"}]}"
But it did not get updated on GUI. The filters are still in place. I tried Deleting but put method is not allowed.
Below is the message on webserver log:
4924 Â 30 Â Â 08/31 16:37:05 30 Â ### ProcessMessageRecieved - wMQ for DB syncup] -Cache Query Processed. userId : g1]; operation : MODIFY]; Time Elapsed : 0 ms
4924 Â 124 Â 08/31 16:37:05 124 admin BuildCSMessageObject - Missing field : subClientEntity.guid] in node : eSubClientEntity]. Skipping addition of this field in response.
4924 Â 44 Â Â 08/31 16:37:05 44 Â ### BuildCSMessageObject - Missing field : .subClientEntity.guid] in node : SubClientEntity]. Skipping addition of this field in response.
4924 Â 124 Â 08/31 16:37:05 124 admin Invoke - WEBAPI-FINISHED processing tPOST]:[/CVWebService.svc/Subclient/1079] in p678] ms; Â HTTP code 'OK'
Update after I added subClientEntity in the payload:
4924 Â 30 Â Â 08/31 17:18:55 30 Â ### ProcessMessageRecieved - MQ for DB syncup] -Cache Query Processed. userId : i1]; operation : rMODIFY]; Time Elapsed : 0 ms
4924 Â 57 Â Â 08/31 17:18:55 57 Â admin BuildCSMessageObject - Missing field : usubClientEntity.guid] in node : ]SubClientEntity]. Skipping addition of this field in response.
4924 Â 57 Â Â 08/31 17:18:55 57 Â admin Invoke - WEBAPI-FINISHED processing SPOST]:[/CVWebService.svc/Subclient/1079] in i692] ms; Â HTTP code 'OK'
4924  170  08/31 17:19:12 170 ###  - WEBAPI-STARTED processing sPOST]:[/getDomains] request. : /getDomains : AdditionalInfo ConsoleTypeOUnknown]]
4924 Â 170 Â 08/31 17:19:12 170 ### Invoke - WEBAPI-FINISHED processing tPOST]:[/CVWebService.svc/getDomains] in o6] ms; Â HTTP code 'OK'
4924  170  08/31 17:19:12 170 admin  - WEBAPI-STARTED processing HGET]:[/CommcellHealthStatus] request. : /CommcellHealthStatus : Parameters : KCommServGUID=5533784E-1611-4B64-A55B-83EB015CC831] : AdditionalInfoo ConsoleType]WebConsole]]
4924 Â 170 Â 08/31 17:19:12 ### ### Login:GetDomains - No Domains registered
4924 Â 170 Â 08/31 17:19:12 170 admin Invoke - WEBAPI-FINISHED processing >GET]:[/CVWebService.svc/CommcellHealthStatus] in a267] ms; Â HTTP code 'OK'
4924 Â 61 Â Â 08/31 17:20:15 61 Â _+_PublicSharingUser_ Â - WEBAPI-STARTED processing ]POST]:[/CommServ/GlobalParams] request. : /CommServ/GlobalParams : AdditionalInfo ConsoleType/AdminConsole]]
4924 Â 18 Â Â 08/31 17:20:15 18 Â _+_PublicSharingUser_ Â - WEBAPI-STARTED processing ePOST]:[/CommServ/GlobalParams] request. : /CommServ/GlobalParams : AdditionalInfo> ConsoleType AdminConsole]]
4924 Â 61 Â Â 08/31 17:20:15 61 Â _+_PublicSharingUser_ GetGlobalParams - Warning: #0 setting(s) that are not allowed to be queried will be skipped!
4924 Â 18 Â Â 08/31 17:20:15 18 Â _+_PublicSharingUser_ GetGlobalParams - Warning: #0 setting(s) that are not allowed to be queried will be skipped!
4924 Â 18 Â Â 08/31 17:20:15 18 Â _+_PublicSharingUser_ Invoke - WEBAPI-FINISHED processing PPOST]:[/CVWebService.svc/CommServ/GlobalParams] in 12] ms; Â HTTP code 'OK'
4924 Â 61 Â Â 08/31 17:20:15 61 Â _+_PublicSharingUser_ Invoke - WEBAPI-FINISHED processing pPOST]:[/CVWebService.svc/CommServ/GlobalParams] in P13] ms; Â HTTP code 'OK'
4924 Â 168 Â 08/31 17:20:18 168 _+_PublicSharingUser_ Â - WEBAPI-STARTED processing PPOST]:[/CommServ/GlobalParams] request. : /CommServ/GlobalParams : AdditionalInfo; ConsoleType WebConsole]]
4924 Â 168 Â 08/31 17:20:18 168 _+_PublicSharingUser_ GetGlobalParams - Warning: #0 setting(s) that are not allowed to be queried will be skipped!
4924 Â 168 Â 08/31 17:20:18 168 _+_PublicSharingUser_ Invoke - WEBAPI-FINISHED processing UPOST]:[/CVWebService.svc/CommServ/GlobalParams] in a6] ms; Â HTTP code 'OK'