When you say backup and restore, what do you mean? are you trying to keep two instances synced? what are you using to manage the automation?
We want to backup SQL server via Instances (added via agents in commcell). Also, would like to restore it later.
No, we are not synchronising any two instances together.
We are using GoLang leveraging equivalent APIs (from command center) to automate the backup and restore operations via server plans.
I couldn’t find documentation on it.
I’ll ask around on your behalf.
One way to get around it though is to create a group and associate the plan to the group and add and remove clients to the group.
It’s the way that I avoid having to deal with associations in general.
When installing the agent, we use a prepared XML for silent installation what contains the required modules and the Plan name.
This way, the client registers itself and enables the backup fully automatical, no extra steps needed.
If this is your goal, let me know, then I can share my XML as example.