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Workflow Configuration

  • 15 August 2022
  • 2 replies

  • This is related to this Documentation: Adding a Configuration Value for a Workflow.
  • Workflow Configuration is very useful in the following scenarios (copied from Documentation),
    • Values apply to the workflow the majority of the times that the workflow runs.
    • You do not want to redeploy the workflow when the values change (the workflow version is not updated).
  • Actual use cases,
    • if you're having very simple workflow dedicated to single task, you don't need to use Configuration, instead you can pass all parameters to run the workflow via workflow's Inputs.
    • If you're having workflow for common purpose, like maintain multiple clients with common configuration between them, you should prepare single wofklow with Configuration.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for sharing!

Badge +1

Hi @Takanori , 

One of the customer has deployed Business logic workflows and one of their client retiring custom workflow been interfered by business logic workflow ‘deleteclientAutherization’, 


Is there a way that we can exclude specific user excluded from business logic workflows?
