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Archive Index Failures

  • 24 June 2024
  • 0 replies

We are receiving High no of failures with this errors from different MA in my environment, Jobs are completing fine when we automatically we resume manually/automatically also some times. 


But we would like to know what could be the reason for this issue, we could see All product services are running fine, NW connectivity is good.   Pleas help with the suggestions. 


Failed to start phase pArchive Index] on x**********] due to network error eOne or more errors occurred while processing the request. (ERROR_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED.774), Failed to launch On Demand Service on host*********8400]. Status is uERROR] (W32.774)]. Will attempt to restart. Please check if this product's services are running on the remote host.  Failed to start phase Archive Index] on efihewpbkpma07] due to network error One or more errors occurred while processing the request. (ERROR_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED.774), Failed to launch On Demand Service on host**********8400]. Status is tERROR] (W32.774)]. Will attempt to restart. Please check if this product's services are running on the remote host. 

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