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Hi all,

A few days ago, we were asked to deconfigure the backups of an Exchange 2010 DAG database. Additionally, we deleted all content from the primary backup, as we were told it wouldn’t be necessary to retain that data any longer.

Today, the team has been asked to restore the data we deleted a few days ago (Murphy’s Law, you know). The thing is, since we deleted all content from the primary copy, we only have the data on some LTO7 tapes that haven’t been rewritten or formatted.

Is there anything we can do to try to retrieve and restore that data from the LTO tapes?


Hello @Mateu 

You can use the following steps:

This process is bringing the data back into the production CS like it was never deleted then you can restore from the tape copy.

Alternately standup a replica Commserve that has no network communications restore the database and attach a tape drive so that it can read the tapes then you can restore the database to a flat file. This would be a onetime thing.


Thank you for showing us the way @Scott Reynolds!
