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I try to migrate from Storage Policies and Schedule Policies to Plans

If I use CommandCenter to create Plans as substitue of exsting Storage Policies, I can decide whether to keep the first or the last backup for extended retention.

But I’m missing the definition for the Start of Period (like 3rd day of month or monady in case of a week).

The Plan automatic is set to 1st day of month and friday for weekly period.

has the start of period option been removed from future configuration options ?

If I start with 11.34 today, I would not be able to modify this or even see the current settings


@johanningk ,

Currently those options are not supported in Command Center. Extended retention rules will apply start of period as Friday for Weekly and 1st for Monthly.



Edward J Holowienka

If I’d like to start the weekly period on mondays, to retain the weekends full backup for newly addeded content during the week, I still have to use the JavaGUI to achieve this.
Other option can be to switch from last backup to first backup, but

  • this stil might retain the wrong backup (friday’s instead of wanted sunday’s backup)
  • will influence the selection rule for the monthly selection as well, since it cannot be defined independent per extended retention rule

If I start with a new installation with Commvault 2024, where the use of the JavaGU has to be temporarily enabled via incident/tickedt with the Commvault Support

@johanningk ,

I can check with the developers to see if this will be added in the future or if we can submit a CMR to get this feature ported over to Command Center.


Edward J Holowienka
