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restoring mysql server

  • 24 June 2024
  • 2 replies

when i try to restore a mysql server it fails with " restore failed cannot drop table 'event' referenced by foreign key constraint ", does it mean i need to manually drop all the foreigns keys?

2 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

Did we run this past the mysql admin already? If not, can you engage them. If you need help beyond that, I think you should open a case that includes the Send Log Files for the failing restore job (as collected immediately after the failed restore attempt).

Badge +5

Did we run this past the mysql admin already? If not, can you engage them. If you need help beyond that, I think you should open a case that includes the Send Log Files for the failing restore job (as collected immediately after the failed restore attempt).

This mysql server is my testing server so i am the mysql admin, im not very good at it tho.

