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Does Commvault support 100 GbE, 200GbE and 400 GbE Network for HyperScale X reference arcitecture  and commserver.
On a 400G network, what is the maximum backup speed achievable? Can we reach 40GB/sec? Would using multi-streaming or multiplexing across the mount points help in achieving this speed?

HyperScale X does not currently support higher than 25GbE Network Interfaces, however these can be bonded for additional throughput/redundancy.

The distributed architecture of HSX generally does not necessitate the need for high bandwidth connections at the individual node. Peak performance is reliant on a large number of parallel operations, distributed across the nodes, leveraging the aggregate bandwith. As a result the nodes and their network connections are sized based on the amount of storage I/O the node is hosting, which in the of HSX is up to 24x SAS/NL-SAS drives per node.

As far as achieving a specific backup speed/target, this depends on a large number of variables. Determining if HSX is the right fit to achieve that goal should be evaluated as part of a solution design.
