Is there a command you can run to check the status of all Hedvig Nodes in a cluster?
In gluster it was “gluster peer status”
Is there a command you can run to check the status of all Hedvig Nodes in a cluster?
In gluster it was “gluster peer status”
You can run /usr/local/hedvig/scripts/ to find the state of the cluster. 7010 should be listed for all nodes and 7000 for metadata nodes which would be limited to 3 in case you have done expansion.
I ran this on a hyperscale node. Did I run it correctly? I do not see 7010 or 7000 in the output. Thanks
[root@hyperscalenode scripts]# /usr/local/hedvig/scripts/
Manifest-Version: 1.0
CommitId: QBDD3292d3b4af7731d248041ed51da4b12f071a9494: 1.12: 2024-08-
04T21:57Z] Duror5049a30cab2ff1e4fe034931ec6657bfb4775ab7: 1.1: 2024-0
8-04T21:55Z] Commonmd3f000e7317c9649d0f52fd6440b7b5b20cba04c: 2024-08
-04T21:51Z] GMS d977dbb5bfd9d98dba152fd9c419ebe53bcb82e1: 2024-08-04T
21:54Z] HPOD af00add86acff7643ac8f6e8dcc10f5bc5d32930:2024-08-04T21:5
5Z] ThriftT6dd89a92284846e1b6a31719cbf7cab9971cb874:2024-08-04T21:54Z
Branch: QBDcv-5.0.5] Duro5v-5.0.5] Common v-5.0.3] GMS.v-5.0.1] HPOD1v
-5.0.5] Thrift]v-5.0.1]
Created-By: Hedvig
Main-Class: com.simontuffs.onejar.Boot
One-Jar-Main-Class: com.quexascale.quexablock.pages.QuexaBlockPagesSer
croot@hyperscalenode scripts]#
To Verify that the Commvault services and the CVFS services are running.
Run the following commands:
# commvault list
Verify that all services are up and running
(This one below is similar to gluster peer status)
# /usr/local/hedvig/scripts/showmembers.exp
Verify that the output displays UNREACHABLE MEMBERS:0
# /usr/local/hedvig/scripts/showmembers.exp | grep MEMBERS
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