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hyperscale refresh


our production and DR having hyperscale 1.5 , and we are refreshing production hyperscale 1.5 to hyperscale x and planning to add old production hyperscale 1.5 to DR to increase the capacity


any best and easy way to do it ? 


2 replies

R Anwar
  • Vaulter
  • 114 replies
  • September 4, 2023

Hi @Ajal 

Once you are copied all jobs from Prod HS 1.5 to DR, you need to deleted all Storage Policies, DDB and Library.

You will have to make the DR Storage Policy as Primary before you can delete the Primary Copy.

Once the cleanup is done on the CSDB, you can proceed with re-imaging the prod system to HSX.

New Storage Pool will be created and you can proceed with creating new SP’s and associate the HSX alongwith DR HS 1.5.

  • Author
  • Byte
  • 163 replies
  • September 4, 2023

@R Anwar  we have bough new hyperscale X nodes and provisioned and migrated data from old hyperscal 1.5 to hyperscal x nodes  and made primary copy.

next step is to clean the old hyperscal 1.5 - here is my question can we just delete the storage policies and and put the nodes on maintance mode, physically connect the nodes in the new location and change ip address and adding to exsiting DR storage pool will that work, or


we need to clean the hyperscale 1.5 which will be deleting all the storage policies and then deleting storage pool and hyperscale , then reimage the nodes and update the exisitng nodes to same version and add to the exsiting pool,


is there any easy approach to clean the old one 




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