To confirm what Mike stated, the NetApp SDP solution is a completely different architecture with the NetApp HCI at the core of the solution and is meant to be a total solution. The Commvault Commserve and Media agents would be VMs running in the dedicated HCI environment (ie for Commvault components only) with additional NetApp arrays as the storage target(s). This would not be considered a replacement for HyperScale. The solution would be the dedicated NetApp HCI hardware for Commvault Only resources, plus the NetApp storage for the disk (CIFS/NFS) libraries and NetApp StorageGrid for longer term data retention. Having stated that, unfortunately earlier this year, NetApp has announced the End of Availability for the NetApp HCI platformand will no longer be sold after February 2022. Since the SDP solution is based on the HCI, it will no longer be available either. It would be recommended to go to HyperScale X.
See below for the EOA announcement.