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My companies Security team is evaluating the strength of the vendor sites we connect to and I have a question about what _exactly_ we are connecting to when we access the CommVault Metallic cloud storage. 

If I go into the java GUI > Storage Resources > Libraries > CV Cloud Storage > Properties, I don’t see anything that indicates the actual destination.

If I use a browser and connect to the Command Center interface and go to Storage > Metallic Cloud Storage, there’s no detailed information there either.

Is there a way for me to see the destination for the Metallic Cloud storage so I can pass that on to my security team for documentation and review?  I’m looking for something similar to or




The Metallic cloud storage service is hiding the storage account resources it is using as a security measurement 

You can view the physical azure location when you create the cloud library.  The service is accessible using the dns address we request to whitelist on our documentation here:


If your company require isolated network route to the service we do support azure expressroute 

Thanks @Ronnie Kaftal, I think that gives me what I need.
