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1-touch recovery ISO images



Why CommVault have not for each release all 1-Touch iso images, to download?

in one release we have 1-Touch Physical ISO and 1-Touch Virtual ISO and the next I found only 1-Touch WinPE .

is there any recommendation which ISO is to use? do I ever use the correct release, then I need configure driver on 1-Touch WinPE10, next time I have a different release I can use 1-Touch Physical ISO, I am a little confused about this strategy.


regards Juergen

Best answer by Mike Struening RETIRED

@Juergen , I imagine it’s to prevent any conflicts from the newer version tools.  The ISOis made to match the version and the expected responses of the tools, outputs, etc.  If the ISO worked backwards, that limits/complicates matters when introducing new features.

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Hi Juergen,

with newer Commvault releases, it is recommended to always use the latest ISO available for the specific use case (physical or virtual), regardless of the Feature Release version you actually have. Reason is that the ISO is just used to run a “temporary” client that is active during the BMR recovery. That’s where the drivers are basically needed for, so it is just to ensure that the client resources like disks and network cards are available during the recovery. WinPE 10 provides more generic drivers, so that manual driver integration into the ISO is minimized. After the BMR recovery is done, the system will boot up using the drivers integrated in the OS that was just recovered. At this point, the drivers in the ISO are not used anymore.


Hope that clarifies things a bit.




Juergen wrote:


Why CommVault have not for each release all 1-Touch iso images, to download?

in one release we have 1-Touch Physical ISO and 1-Touch Virtual ISO and the next I found only 1-Touch WinPE .

is there any recommendation which ISO is to use? do I ever use the correct release, then I need configure driver on 1-Touch WinPE10, next time I have a different release I can use 1-Touch Physical ISO, I am a little confused about this strategy.


regards Juergen

In addition to what Markus said the most important drivers needed to actually perform a successful restore are networking and storage, so if possible you should choose your 1touch in accordance with the servers you are using. Most shops are running dell or HP and so choose accordingly.


i do not necessarily believe you need the latest version of 1-touch as the most important thing is the driver support.

i would assume that your organization has a set of specific hardware configurations that it supports. So your goal isnt to have the latest commvault client, but rather having functional tested drivers.

You do not have to configure winpe, the client configuration information is in the answer file.

the only thing you need is that drivers for your hardware load when winpe boots.


my suggestion would be to get a listed of the different types of servers you have in your org.

if they are HP then download the hp specific 1-touch and test to see if each model type you have boots and sees all your nics and storage controllers.

if that works you can just save the file somewhere and use IPMI to mount it should there be a problem. This way you dont need to burn isos like its 1994



  • Author
  • Byte
  • 43 replies
  • April 29, 2022

Hello @MarkusBaumhardt and @christopherlecky


thanks for your answers, but I learned to day I need to use not the newest ISO image, I need to use the ISO for current release or release before, as the restore client agent has to be a lower version as the current version which are on the media agent!

I am still confused why, commvault have not for each version the similar 1-touch IOS mages.


regards Juergen



Mike Struening

@Juergen , I imagine it’s to prevent any conflicts from the newer version tools.  The ISOis made to match the version and the expected responses of the tools, outputs, etc.  If the ISO worked backwards, that limits/complicates matters when introducing new features.

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