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3dnfsd.exe procces up for long time

  • August 27, 2024
  • 6 replies


I have 3dnfsd proces up for more like week, how do i find what is the case of? 



6 replies

Damian Andre
  • Vaulter
  • 1288 replies
  • August 27, 2024

Interesting. This process is used for live mount operations - for example a live mount or live recovery for a VM, or exporting an NFS/SMB share or database backup so that it can be mounted in production. In short, it emulates an NFS share from your disk library.

The way I would try to figure this out (if you can’t see either of those job types in the console), is to open up the 3dnfsd.log log file on the same machine and look at the Job ID. That might point you to the owning job or give more clues as to what it is doing. Given there seems to be disk I/O it does appear to be associated with a job of some sort rather than being orphaned.


Edit: the JobID in the log file is typically the 5th column - i.e 36636469 below


5852  5fac  08/27 15:11:34 36636469

  • Vaulter
  • 50 replies
  • August 28, 2024

Could you provide the ‘commvault status’ output from the host, as this might help us pin point it also.. consider opening a case vs posting some of this stuff publically also.

  • Author
  • Byte
  • 164 replies
  • September 3, 2024

@Damian Andre So if there is none active jobs of then the proces should not be started? 

I am looking now on Jobs and there is only AUX running jobs


With commvault -list i see that 3dnfsd proces is running. 


In the logs of 3dnfsd i dont see which process started it. 


I can DM you the logs if you wish. 


Maybe its using for AUX copy aswel becaus in the logs i see 


2150468 20d08d 09/02 23:46:18 ##### Export::FillAllowedClients(474) - Adding IP [xxxxxxxx]
2150468 20d08d 09/02 23:46:18 ##### SinkFSMExport::GenerateVolumeId(210) - Export Path: [/disklibrary/xxxxxx/WHBQOB_11.08.2021_12.09/CV_MAGNETIC] VolumeId [7223789188365692101] 


That PID 2150468 is the PID i see on the MA 


Are you sharing any mount paths using the DataServer-IP feature?

  • Author
  • Byte
  • 164 replies
  • September 4, 2024

@Erase4ndReuseMedia YEs we are using it. Why ? 


I could be wrong - but I thought that the 3DNFS service was used when sharing mount paths via DataServer-IP.


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