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Any known "gotchas" or things to be careful about when upgrading from SP16 to 11.24?

  • I read that its advisable (but not required) to update the commserve MSSQL DB to 2019, but this can always be done later.
  • I heard that when updating Oracle clients (or clients that have Oracle on them), the upgrade of the CommVault client will restart the Oracle database.  I’m not seeing this specified anywhere, but here: Planning Feature Release Installations ( its mentioned “Prepare block-level clients for restart after feature release installations”… but, how do I determine what is block level and what is not?  Are Oracle clients ( or SAP for Oracle) “Block level” by default?

Are there any other things to consider that are known special things for this upgrade, of any “restarts’ of apps on servers being backed up (like oracle) being restarted/impacted by a commvault upgrade?

Note: I have commvault servers/proxies/media agents still running Windows 2012, and this is planned to be updated (via hardware refresh at future dat), but not sure if 2012 is a problem for sp24.

Best answer by Mike Struening RETIRED

Sharing case solution:

Finding Details:

Customer had an issue with the install of 11.24 where 11.26 was actually being installed. Customer killed the install while it was running and left the CS in a down state. Customer restored the CS VM snapshot from before the update customer was worried about jobs that were running after the snapshot restore took place as well as what may have caused the issue with their install.


Customer confirmed that the backups did eventually complete but recommended they run another full backup for the same clients to confirm they're in a health state. Also provided docs for installing the Feature releases manually and from the Commcell console. As the snapshot was restored so were the logs so there's nothing to review further here unfortunately. Customer can't attempt another update and will need to wait for next change control window. So they requested this case be closed for now.

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17 replies

Mike Struening

@tigger2 , I’m glad you asked!  We definitely advise upgrading SQL if you can.  what version do you have now?  2012 is ending Extended Support (Security Updates only) this July, and 2014 not long afterwards.  I highly suggest you do a hardware refresh and upgrade SQL to 2019 via a fresh install.

Here’s more about block-level backups.:

Are your Oracle backups using snapshots?

Otherwise, no real gotchas.  Just use this time to upgrade SQL to 2019 and you’ll be happy you did!

  • Vaulter
  • 291 replies
  • April 6, 2022

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  • April 6, 2022
Mike Struening wrote:

@tigger2 , I’m glad you asked!  We definitely advise upgrading SQL if you can.  what version do you have now?  2012 is ending Extended Support (Security Updates only) this July, and 2014 not long afterwards.  I highly suggest you do a hardware refresh and upgrade SQL to 2019 via a fresh install.

Here’s more about block-level backups.:

Are your Oracle backups using snapshots?

Otherwise, no real gotchas.  Just use this time to upgrade SQL to 2019 and you’ll be happy you did!

“Are your Oracle backups using snapshots” - From teh links above, it appears this is what “Intellisnap” configuration tab is in the Oracle DB/instance properties is.  If so, it appears I’m not using it. I didn't set any of this up so it might be possible “something” is, as a one off.

Mike Struening

That’s correct, Intellisnap is out brand/product for snapshot usage.

If it’s grayed out, then you are not using it (at least for that client).

Might be worth running a License Summary report with all the details turned on to see if Intellisnap is in use anywhere.


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  • April 11, 2022
tigger2 wrote:
Mike Struening wrote:

@tigger2 , I’m glad you asked!  We definitely advise upgrading SQL if you can.  what version do you have now?  2012 is ending Extended Support (Security Updates only) this July, and 2014 not long afterwards.  I highly suggest you do a hardware refresh and upgrade SQL to 2019 via a fresh install.

Here’s more about block-level backups.:

Are your Oracle backups using snapshots?

Otherwise, no real gotchas.  Just use this time to upgrade SQL to 2019 and you’ll be happy you did!

“Are your Oracle backups using snapshots” - From teh links above, it appears this is what “Intellisnap” configuration tab is in the Oracle DB/instance properties is.  If so, it appears I’m not using it. I didn't set any of this up so it might be possible “something” is, as a one off.

for “ I highly suggest you do a hardware refresh and upgrade SQL to 2019 via a fresh install.”

I plan to do the SQL upgrade (and hardware refresh), but after doing the upgrade to sp24.  I’m in a bit of a time crunch to get the upgrade done (doing it in 2 days) and wasn’t aware that the local MSSQL db didn’t update automatically.

edit: I found how to get the version and I’m on SQL Server 2014 on the commserve.  it sounds like I’m a bit “more in the clear” for having to update to MSSQL 2019, and that v16 → v24 upgrade will work fine with MSSQL 2014 as well as the servers being windows 2012.  hopefully I can do a hardware refresh next year

Steven Robinson

If you have any V10 or V11=<SP14 clients then take note of the Troubleshooting info here:


Jobs Don't Run on V10/V11 Client at SP14 or Earlier Service Pack


Also, even if you are not upgrading MSSQL yet, I recommend if you have the chance make sure that your MSSQL2014 install is running the latest available release to ensure all known security issues have been remediated. 

This would be Service Pack 3, Cumulative Update 4 plus the January 12, 2021 security update (KB4583462).  



Mike Struening
tigger2 wrote:
tigger2 wrote:
Mike Struening wrote:

@tigger2 , I’m glad you asked!  We definitely advise upgrading SQL if you can.  what version do you have now?  2012 is ending Extended Support (Security Updates only) this July, and 2014 not long afterwards.  I highly suggest you do a hardware refresh and upgrade SQL to 2019 via a fresh install.

Here’s more about block-level backups.:

Are your Oracle backups using snapshots?

Otherwise, no real gotchas.  Just use this time to upgrade SQL to 2019 and you’ll be happy you did!

“Are your Oracle backups using snapshots” - From teh links above, it appears this is what “Intellisnap” configuration tab is in the Oracle DB/instance properties is.  If so, it appears I’m not using it. I didn't set any of this up so it might be possible “something” is, as a one off.

for “ I highly suggest you do a hardware refresh and upgrade SQL to 2019 via a fresh install.”

I plan to do the SQL upgrade (and hardware refresh), but after doing the upgrade to sp24.  I’m in a bit of a time crunch to get the upgrade done (doing it in 2 days) and wasn’t aware that the local MSSQL db didn’t update automatically.

edit: I found how to get the version and I’m on SQL Server 2014 on the commserve.  it sounds like I’m a bit “more in the clear” for having to update to MSSQL 2019, and that v16 → v24 upgrade will work fine with MSSQL 2014 as well as the servers being windows 2012.  hopefully I can do a hardware refresh next year

Yes, you’re less vulnerable, but I would still go forward with your refresh plans to get to 2019.  there’s a lot of features in 2019 that will allow our devs to improve all sorts of processes but will require being on 2019.  Getting yourself there earlier just means you’ll be ready when these improvements come around (no ETA or anything official here, just awareness of MS features).

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  • April 12, 2022
Steven R wrote:

If you have any V10 or V11=<SP14 clients then take note of the Troubleshooting info here:


Jobs Don't Run on V10/V11 Client at SP14 or Earlier Service Pack


Also, even if you are not upgrading MSSQL yet, I recommend if you have the chance make sure that your MSSQL2014 install is running the latest available release to ensure all known security issues have been remediated. 

This would be Service Pack 3, Cumulative Update 4 plus the January 12, 2021 security update (KB4583462).  



“If you have any V10 or V11=<SP14 clients”… we have a lot of HANA “pseudoclients” that are showing as just “11” as the version in the client computers view. The actual clients associated with them are sp16 so I *guess* they’ll be ok. having HANA backups fail ( they are continuously pushed to commvault every few minutes) would be an emergency scenario.

Also: We have an Exchange DAG … err… pseudoclient”? that’s also reporting just as “11”. 


Question: I’m not seeing anything about this in the URL, so are “pseudoclients” not affected?


Also: For the troubleshooting link it indicates “If you install a new MediaAgent...” then you’ll have to set up something for the older preSP14 clients to talk to it… So I would bet that this doesn’t apply to an in place upgrade of existing media agents? or is an “update” considered a “new installation” as the version is changing (its a new version)

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  • April 12, 2022

sorry, another question.  I just ran into this when perusing the v24 docs:

CommServe Server: System Requirements (

I see this: “Note: For new installations for Feature Release 11.24 and above, Microsoft Windows Server 2012 is not supported (new installations of Feature Release 11.24 and above use MS SQL Server 2019, which requires a minimum of MS Windows Server 2016).”

so I guess “Windows 2012 R2” and 2016 (we have a mix. commserve is still 2012 R2) *is* supported if you’re *not* performing a brand new install but are doing an “upgrade”?  no one has mentioned the OS/support/compatibility so I would be led to believe its ok.  I just wanted some reassurance on this :)

Mike Struening

If you’re doing an in place upgrade, then SQL will remain as is, and your OS won’t be a concern either.

This part here is referring to fresh installs (or hardware refreshes):

For new installations for Feature Release 11.24 and above


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  • April 13, 2022

I’m starting the upgrade in about an hour. I wanted to thank everyone for helping me out and providing answer to my questions!  I know it probably “just works” most of the time but I’ve been bitten by upgrade weirdness in other apps so I’m a bit paranoid and I haven’t had a lot of time to read all the docs/updates/features/etc that I would normally do to get a feel for it (and there’s no test commvault system to play on).  I’ve patched CommVault before (so the basic steps are not unfamiliar) but not upgraded it.


Again: thanks for all the help/ info!

Mike Struening

Your approach of caution and planning is sound.  Everything ‘works as expected’ until it doesn’t.  Proactive efforts always save reactive time!

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  • April 13, 2022

so, I downloaded 11.24.43 and when “installing software and hotfixes” on teh commserve its indicating its installing “feature release 11.26.0” in the small ‘updates” window.


i have a snapshot of the commserve vm… I think I’m going to back out once this completes as this isn’t what i downloaded.  I’m not sure what i did wrong to have it grab a different (higher?) version that I downloaded


Edit: VM snapshot reversion appears to have worked and jobs ok.  opening ticket to see what I’m doing/did wrong.


Mike Struening

You potentially have 11.26 in your software cache?

Will be interesting to see what support finds.  Can you share the case number here?

Mike Struening

Sharing case solution:

Finding Details:

Customer had an issue with the install of 11.24 where 11.26 was actually being installed. Customer killed the install while it was running and left the CS in a down state. Customer restored the CS VM snapshot from before the update customer was worried about jobs that were running after the snapshot restore took place as well as what may have caused the issue with their install.


Customer confirmed that the backups did eventually complete but recommended they run another full backup for the same clients to confirm they're in a health state. Also provided docs for installing the Feature releases manually and from the Commcell console. As the snapshot was restored so were the logs so there's nothing to review further here unfortunately. Customer can't attempt another update and will need to wait for next change control window. So they requested this case be closed for now.

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  • April 27, 2022
Mike Struening wrote:

Sharing case solution:

Finding Details:

Customer had an issue with the install of 11.24 where 11.26 was actually being installed. Customer killed the install while it was running and left the CS in a down state. Customer restored the CS VM snapshot from before the update customer was worried about jobs that were running after the snapshot restore took place as well as what may have caused the issue with their install.


Customer confirmed that the backups did eventually complete but recommended they run another full backup for the same clients to confirm they're in a health state. Also provided docs for installing the Feature releases manually and from the Commcell console. As the snapshot was restored so were the logs so there's nothing to review further here unfortunately. Customer can't attempt another update and will need to wait for next change control window. So they requested this case be closed for now.

Sorry for the non-follow up, I’ve been busy. There was 1 more thing: I had a 2nd ticket for another thing and it was discovered that...

Apparently the 11.26 (or “latest”?) CommVault software was being auto-downloaded into the cache via a FTP job/workflow that was enabled, so when I downloaded 11.24.x, that download was ignored as the latest was already in the cache.  This FTP auto-download job has been disabled and I now know to double check the commserve software cache before doing an update.

Additionally: with the backout (refresh of the VM snapshot of the commserve) some jobs had to be manually run as Full backups as the jobs had errors after this.  not all, just a few. it was rather random. I was mostly worried because the snapshot that was taken was done before shutting down commserve processes/services (my bad :)) , so it ‘woke up in the past fully running’

Mike Struening

No apologies need, @tigger2 !  I’m glad you shared the details on the second incident 🤓

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