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Auxiliary Copy failed [13:138]


Have a nice day,
the system displays an error:

Error occurred while processing chunk [2790355] in media [V_26404], at the time of error in library [cvault01_dlib1] and mount path [[cvault01] J:\cvault01_dlib1], for storage policy [sp_standard] copy [aux_cvault01_tlib1] MediaAgent [cvault01]: Backup Job [184830]. The file or directory is corrupted and non-readable.

The indicated path is accessible. Where should I look for the error?

10 replies

  • Byte
  • 386 replies
  • January 9, 2023

Hi @Wayn 

Have you tried to review the detailed job logs from the Commcell console or Command Center already ?

Then you should also login your windows cvault01 MA, navigate to your Commvault installation folder, go to Log Files folder and check the Auxcopy.log file.

But also make sure nothing happened at the timestamp of this error, like antivirus scan or anything that could prevent the commvault executables from accessing the path(s) that need to be accessed.

And of course, if you retry the auxcopy, does it still fail ?

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  • 22 replies
  • January 9, 2023

Hi @Laurent

The error keeps happening.

Job Details:

  • Job ID: 186136
    Associated Clients: srv-cvault01
    Failure Reason: ERROR CODE [13:138]: Error occurred while processing chunk [2790355] in media [V_26404], at the time of error in library [cvault01_dlib1] and mount path [[cvault01] J:\cvault01_dlib1], for storage policy [sp_standard] copy [aux_cvault01_tlib1] MediaAgent [cvault01]: Backup Job [184830]. The file or directory is corrupted and non-readable.
    Source: srv-cvault01, Process: CVJobReplicatorODS (Error Lookup Site:!/?q=%2213:138%22)
    Associated Events:
    • 332746 [cvault01/JobManager][2023/01/09 11:02:33 ]:Auxiliary Copy operation has failed.
    • 332745 [cvault01/JobManager][2023/01/09 11:02:32 ]:Received failed message for job [186136], phase [Auxiliary Copy].
    • 332744 [cvault01/CVJobReplicatorODS][2023/01/09 11:02:26 ]:Error occurred while processing chunk [2790355] in media [V_26404], at the time of error in library [cvault01_dlib1] and mount path [[cvault01] J:\cvault01_dlib1], for storage policy [sp_standard] copy [aux_cvault01_tlib1] MediaAgent [cvault01]: Backup Job [184830]. The file or directory is corrupted and non-readable.
    • 332743 [cvault01/MediaManager][2023/01/09 11:02:13 ]:Media with barcode [327AAAM8], side [A_100], mounted on library [cvault01_tlib1] and drive [IBM ULT3580] on MediaAgent [cvault01]. Mountpoint [\\.\Tape1] for job [186136]. Media block size is [256 KB]. Mount finished in [33] seconds.
    • 332742 [srv-cvault01/JobManager][2023/01/09 11:01:23 ]:Auxiliary Copy attempt started for storage policy sp_standard copy Name aux_cvault01_tlib1. To copy : 14.95 GB (out of 14.95 GB).

There is no Auxcopy.log on disk, only AuxcopyMgr.log and there is nothing in it about this.

Antivirus reports nothing.

  • Byte
  • 386 replies
  • January 9, 2023

Have you already tryied to chkdsk this volume for logical or physical disk errors?

Otherwise you should verify the disk library, or pick this job’s source copy (==primary?) and start a dataverification job also.

You can also try to navigate through windows explorer from the MA’s J:\cvault01_dlib1\[up to the chunk folder)\2790355 and see if you can windows copy the contents from here to somewhere else, to check if it’s OK from windows or have the same behaviour as commvault is reporting it..

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  • January 9, 2023

Data from the disk can be easily copied elsewhere. I ran a disk error checker.


How do I find out which primary job data belongs to?

  • Byte
  • 386 replies
  • January 9, 2023

Well, the error message reports it’s from ‘ Backup Job [184830].’ and also it’s from storage policy sp_standard.

So, navigate to storage policies/sp_standard, select the primary and right click/view jobs, and lookup this job ID 184830. Then doubleclick or open details, and you’ll see which job is affected.

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  • 22 replies
  • January 10, 2023

I found the job, it doesn't show any errors.

Also, the disk scan did not find any errors.

  • Byte
  • 386 replies
  • January 10, 2023

Hi @Wayn ok but from the source copy of course it should not reveal any error if you look from the log/job history.

What you need to do from this view is to Pick for data verification this one job, and run the data verification job for this SP copy. This should really verify the data on disk, and then if it’s a success, the auxcopy from here to somewhere else should run. Otherwise you could decide to mark this job as bad, for example..

  • Author
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  • January 10, 2023

I marked the job as bad. This backup was not that important, I will address if it should recur. I'd be more interested in the cause. Thank you very much @Laurent.

  • Author
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  • 22 replies
  • February 26, 2024

Have a nice day,
Unfortunately, the error has occurred repeatedly. I still can't figure out what the cause is or how to fix it. Can anyone advise?
Thank you.

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  • February 27, 2024

I still haven't found the cause. I'll at least note how to mark a job as bad.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Policies | Storage Policies | <Storage_Policy>.
  2. Right-click the appropriate storage policy copy, point to View and then Jobs.
  3. In the Job Filter for Storage Policy dialog box, clear the Specify Time Range check box, click OK.

    A list of jobs associated with the copy are displayed in the right pane of the CommCell Browser.

  4. Right-click the appropriate job, then click Mark Job Bad.

    A warning message appears that tells you that Auxiliary Copy operations will skip this job once it is marked as bad.

  5. Click Yes to continue.


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