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Hi team,

Environment: Azure SQLMI is deployed on Azure. Commvault is deployed on an Azure VM within the same network as the SQLMI. A plan has been created to back up and restore.

Error while backing up - 

3196  5e4   09/19 12:08:55 24990 <SC:  22>  
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:55 24990 <SC: 22> main(236): -Info--: ============= Starting Backup Job. Job Id 24990] =============
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:55 24990 <SC: 22> main(238): -Info--: Command line: SQLBackup.exe BACKUP -j 24990 -a 2:22 -t 1 -d*jumpbox*8400 -data -jt 24990:4:4:0:0:29360 -idxma*jumpbox*8400 -cn jumpbox -vm Instance001 . "Focus Instance set to Instance001]"
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:55 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLCommon::getServerTypeForBackup(2744): -Debug-: App ID 22] Commcell Id 2]
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:55 24990 DBBase-SQL() - <SC: 22> dbmethods.cpp:1398, DB Layer will use Exec] access by default. Use SetAdminAccess API for on demand Admin access.
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:55 24990 Cvcl::init() - <SC: 22> CVCL: Running in FIPS Mode
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:55 24990 DetectNativeClient() - <SC: 22> Found reg key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\SQLNCLI11]. Using driver SQL Server Native Client 11.0].
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:56 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLCommon::getServerTypeForBackup(2760): -Debug-: Server type : Azure Managed DataBase Engine]
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:56 24990 <SC: 22> main(259): -Info--: The server type of the SQL Instance is = Azure Managed DataBase Engine.
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:56 24990 <SC: 22> CAzureSQLCommon::Initialize(3103): -Debug-: <COM> - Already initialized.
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:56 24990 <SC: 22> CAzureSQLCommon::Initialize(3126): -Debug-: COM initialized successfully.
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:57 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLCommon::initializeBackup(914): -Debug-: Checking registry key bEnableRBSJob to see if RBS needs to be enabled.
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:57 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLCommon::initializeBackup(925): -Debug-: This is not a RBS JOB.
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:57 24990 CSQLCommon::initializeBackup() - <SC: 22> Job Phase Number = 4] attempt Number = 4]
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:57 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLCommon::initializeBackup(1002): -Debug-: Generic options 0].
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:57 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLCommon::initializeBackup(1021): -Debug-: VDI Timeout retry count is 3].
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:57 24990 JOBRESCACHEDIR: opened index cache D:\Commvault\Data\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\24990]
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:57 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLCommon::initializeBackup(1054): -Info--: Job Manager initialized.
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:57 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLCommon::initializeBackup(1055): -Info--: Time taken to register Job with job manager = 0.098325
3196 1 09/19 12:08:57 24990 ManagedLogger::SetCLRThreadPoolMaxThreads - Setting CLR ThreadPool's maxWorkerThreads = 1000], maxIOThreads = 1000] PID = 3196], ProcessName = SQLBackup].
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:57 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLCommon::initializeBackup(1160): -Info--: Buffer Size is set to 2048]
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:57 24990 TaskInterfaceDB::getOptions() - <SC: 22> Loading default options into memory
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:57 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLCommon::initializeBackup(1171): -Debug-: BufferCount is set to 20].
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:57 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLCommon::initializeBackup(1180): -Debug-: Block Size is set to 65536].
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:57 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLCommon::initializeBackup(1189): -Debug-: Max transfer size 2097152].
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:57 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLCommon::initializeBackup(1193): -Info--: Disable Log Consistency Check No]
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:57 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLCommon::initializeBackup(1342): -Warn--: skipping to get MSSQL authentication info from cloud Azure Managed DataBase Engine] instance.
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:57 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLCommon::initializeBackup(1515): -Debug-: Using Local System authentication.
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:58 24990 <SC: 22> CAzureSQLCommon::setAzureADAccount(1823): -Debug-: Active Direcotry authentication credentials are not set for clientId 4].
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:58 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLBackup::isJobInitiatedFromPlugin(13557): -Debug-: Job is not] initiated from SQL Plugin.
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:58 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLBackup::doAzureDBBackupMultiThread(2853): -Debug-: Cleaning up stale database(s) in Azure SQL.
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:58 24990 CvNetworkPool::initNetworkPool() - <SC: 22> Creating the control thread
3196 244 09/19 12:08:58 24990 thNetworkControllerThread() - <SC: 22> Controller thread started
3196 5e4 09/19 12:08:58 24990 CSQLBackup::checkForUncommittedDbsByCollFileId() - <SC: 22> Collect file ID = 1], restart offset = 0]
3196 4180 09/19 12:08:59 24990 <SC: 22> N/w agents configured before/after firewall check = 2/2]. Firewalled = 0
3196 4180 09/19 12:08:59 24990 CPipelayer::InitiatePipeline Initiating SDT connection 000002451E91B920] from to
3196 4180 09/19 12:08:59 24990 <SC: 22> CvFwClient::connectDirectly(): Connected to using direct system connect
3196 4180 09/19 12:08:59 24990 SdtBase::cfgComp() - <SC: 22> LZO init retVal 0]. Spill buf size 2048] bytes
3196 4180 09/19 12:08:59 ##### <SC: 22> SDT max. CPU thread count is 3] based on reg. value 90%], Procsr count 4]
3196 4180 09/19 12:08:59 ##### <SC: 22> Max head thread count set to 16. CPU # = 4
3196 4180 09/19 12:08:59 24990 <SC: 22> CvFwClient::connectDirectly(): Connected to using direct system connect
3196 4180 09/19 12:09:02 24990 <SC: 22> SqlDataTransferHandler::setupBackupPipeline(374): -Debug-: Time taken to setup pipeline to the media agent = 3.307117
3196 4180 09/19 12:09:02 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLBackup::runAzureDBBackupInThread(2194): -Debug-: Starting backup at collect file offset 0] for collect file 1].
3196 4180 09/19 12:09:02 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLBackup::runAzureDBBackupInThread(2217): -Debug-: starting backup of db = ExampleDB]
3196 4180 09/19 12:09:02 24990 <SC: 22> CAzureSQLCommon::Initialize(3099): -Debug-: <COM> - initialized successfully.
3196 4180 09/19 12:09:02 24990 <SC: 22> CAzureSQLCommon::Initialize(3126): -Debug-: COM initialized successfully.
3196 4180 09/19 12:09:02 24990 <SC: 22> CAzureSQLCommon::setAzureADAccount(1823): -Debug-: Active Direcotry authentication credentials are not set for clientId 4].
3196 4180 09/19 12:09:02 24990 <SC: 22> CAzureSQLCommon::doAzureDBBackup(3415): -Error-: Do SQL DB Backup Failed with error System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: connectionString

at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudStorageAccount.Parse(String connectionString)

at CvAzureSQL.CvAzureStorageAcct..ctor(String sConnectionString)

at CvAzureSQL.AzureSQLRM.doSQLManagedDBBackup(String sFullServerName, String sDBName, String& sBackupFileName, String& sDBMetaInfo, String& sDBFilesInfo)

3196 4180 09/19 12:09:02 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLBackup::runAzureDBBackupInThread(2385): -Error-: Failed to backup databaseeExampleDB].
3196 4180 09/19 12:09:06 24990 <SC: 22> SdtBase is being destroyed. RCId 270]
3196 4180 09/19 12:09:06 24990 <SC: 22> Name Head], Start Delay 10.97 s], Avg 1.37 s], Procsng Time 147.70 us], Avg 18.46 us], Bytes 58.13 KB], Speed 384.38 MB/s], Samples 8] RCId 270]
3196 4180 09/19 12:09:06 24990 <SC: 22> Name Head Compression], Start Delay 467.80 us], Avg 58.48 us], Procsng Time 165.20 us], Avg 20.65 us], Bytes 58.13 KB], Speed 343.66 MB/s], Samples 8] RCId 270]
3196 4180 09/19 12:09:06 24990 <SC: 22> Name Head CRC32], Start Delay 1.20 us], Avg 150.00 ns], Procsng Time 2.01 ms], Avg 251.36 us], Bytes 58.15 KB], Speed 28.24 MB/s], Samples 8] RCId 270]
3196 4180 09/19 12:09:06 24990 <SC: 22> Name Head Network], Start Delay 315.50 us], Avg 39.44 us], Procsng Time 564.50 us], Avg 70.56 us], Bytes 58.15 KB], Speed 100.59 MB/s], Samples 8] RCId 270]
3196 4180 09/19 12:09:06 ##### <SC: 22> SdtTailSrvPool::Rel: Resetting SrvPool as ref. count is 0.
3196 4180 09/19 12:09:06 24990 CSQLBackup::checkForUncommittedDbsByCollFileId() - <SC: 22> Collect file ID = 1], restart offset = 0]
3196 5e4 09/19 12:09:06 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLBackup::doAzureDBBackupMultiThread(3069): -Error-: Thread exited with error during backup for collect file D:\Commvault\Data\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\24990\AzureSQLDBCollectFile_0] with error code 1].
3196 5e4 09/19 12:09:06 24990 <SC: 22> CSQLBackup::doAzureDBBackupMultiThread(3144): -Debug-: Cleaning up stale database(s) in Azure SQL after Azure backed up.
3196 5e4 09/19 12:09:06 24990 <SC: 22> BKP CALLED COMPLETE (PHASE Status::FAIL), 24990. Token 24990:4:4:0:0:29360]
3196 5e4 09/19 12:09:07 24990 JOBRESULTSTABLE(D:\Commvault\Data\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\24990\JobResults) removing copy 'D:\Commvault\Data\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\24990'
3196 5e4 09/19 12:09:08 ##### <SC: 22> DumpConnectionMap - handle count = 0, map count = 0
3196 5e4 09/19 12:09:08 24990 CvNetworkPool::~CvNetworkPool() - <SC: 22> Controller thread successfully stopped.

Please suggest a resolution for the error. Thank you in advance

hi @Aishwarya Upadhye 

as per traces 

Error-: Do SQL DB Backup Failed with error rSystem.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: connectionString

   at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudStorageAccount.Parse(String connectionString)

   at CvAzureSQL.CvAzureStorageAcct..ctor(String sConnectionString)

   at CvAzureSQL.AzureSQLRM.doSQLManagedDBBackup(String sFullServerName, String sDBName, String& sBackupFileName, String& sDBMetaInfo, String& sDBFilesInfo)



please verify the configuration as per reference below, to ensure “storage connection string” is configured under “SQL cloud configuration” section


@Aishwarya Upadhye 

Please review doc sent above and also make sure you are fully up to date on patches.

If still having a failure open a case with support and can assist.

