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In the Advanced Options of a backup job there is a posability to change the retention for the specidic job at launch in various copies.

As per documentation the job will be pruned according to the specified retention time. Does that also hold true if I would specify a retention less then the storage policy copy properties?

If I have a stg policy copy with 365 days and 1 cycle. If I specify 180 days for the job, will it be pruned after 180days and not 365 days?






This setting only applies if the Days configured is greater than the days configured in the basic retention settings on the Storage policy copy.

Extend Job Retention

  • Storage Policy Default: Select this option to apply the retention rules of the associated storage policy, which is the default option.

  • Infinite: Select this option to retain this job indefinitely.

  • For n Days: Select this option to prune this job after the specified number of days. Make sure that the value you specify in the For n Days box is greater than the number of days specified in the storage policy copy retention.

Thank you @Nutan Pawar G .

Maybe the documentation needs to be changed as, at least for me, the below can be translated into that the stg policy copy retention is over ridden by the media setting.


Advanced Backup/Archive Options (Media) (


I will get this checked internally and raise a Doc MR if needed.

