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Customer requests a temporary blackout window between two dates. They want a period of 4 days without any activity.

When I try to create the blackout window, I am able to select the start and end date, but the console won’t allow me to configure the start/end time such a way that it stops all activity in that period. 

The customer would like to stop backup at 02pm at one date, then start again at 03am 4 days later.

I can’t save this setting because the console says “Start time should be less than end time”

Any workaround for this?


To do so is possible, you have to consider all the days as a sequence of days, and create a blackout from day one (let’s say tuesday) from 02:00PM, then wednesday full day, thursday full day, and from friday (day 4) midnight until 03:00AM, allowing activity for the other days.

That how I do on my side, and that works.

Note that the blackouts are set on the local timezone, so depending if it’s a set of MAs or a full Commserve you’re trying to blackout activity, it could change.




(let’s say tuesday) from 02:00PM, then wednesday full day, thursday full day, and from friday (day 4) midnight until 03:00AM, allowing activity for the other days.


Thank you, Laurent. I am a bit daft - I don’t see how I can set a full day, 24hrs, in blackout mode? 
Maybe 60 seconds with activity is ok? It looks to me I will have 1 minute with activity every day with this setup:


hi @No special characters 

You’re not daft, on this point it is the product that is not really handy..

At least this is the way I do, and it works fine.

Depending what activities you blackout, even the Commvault Scheduler on the commserve, then, it should not initiate any task between those defined times.


But, if there’s another way to achieve the same, even way more simple, I’d be pleased to know or be reminded of it 😄 
