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Blocked words list


So I just tried posting a very straight-forward question and it got held pending review because I somehow managed to use words that are on a hiddent “blocked words list”. That is annoying and truly user hostile. I expect that this post will also be blocked pending review of the use of hidden, uknown, naughty words.

Dear CommVault - you are not serving your customers by engaging in this form of thought policing. Please stop it. Alternatively post clearly your list of naughty words so we can work around them.




3 replies

Mike Struening

@bRonDoh , appreciate the post.  I assure you it’s nothing so sinister.  We do have a list of flagged words, though there are rare times (this is the second in over a year) they are triggered erroneously, especially when the words are non-American slang.

The good news is it’s easy to address and remediate.

I approved your original post, and removed the word that was the trigger from our list going forward.

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  • 22 replies
  • June 16, 2022

Thanks. I am Canadian so un-American slang is quite possible. Thanks for the kind and speedy reply. What was the word though? I didn’t think I had used anything that could be construed as slang… My guess - “straight” (because it is slang for a gender/shrexualify preference). I will still dislike and disagree with the hidden nature and employment of the automatic-thought-fencing tools. Ron Quixote tilting at windmills? Probably…



Mike Struening

I like your allegory 😂

It was knob.  The other time (months ago”) was the word hash.  

Admittedly, the word list is not one I curated personally, but a suggested list for general purposes.  Most of the words are CLEARLY inappropriate, and anything that looked questionable I removed, though the list is well over a few hundred items.

I gave it another perusal and I think we’re good?  If I showed you the full list, you’d see why I can’t post it here 🤣

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