Each site has the typical setup, commserv media agent etc.
I have enabled livesync at one site as I brought online another commserv and now I am looking into GRC. I don’t see anything that says it connect be applied. Just that its not intended for what livesync does.
Best answer by MFasulo
/Global will give you high level management of all the linked commcells. This is management control plane.
GRC basically allows you to replicate metadata to another separate commcell so you can view jobs/run reports and initiate restores. I do not believe you can run backups to the policies replicated via GRC in the other commcell, so its a ready-only copy assuming the data is available (i.e in a cloud library as a common configuration).
GRC is really for centralizing data from multiple different commcell environments into a single one - for example if your company acquired another business that also ran commvault - or you are an MSP aggregating customer commcells. There are other use cases you can dream up but they would be edge case and to solve very specific needs.
CS Live sync is an exact replica if your database, which means you can failover and failback to allow maintenance or to recover from a disaster. So the usage of these two are very different - I don’t see why you could not use GRC and Live Sync together on the same CommCell - but it depends on what you are trying to achieve.
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