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When checking the documentation, and the cmmandcenter, for installing Mongodb backups we only see the possibilty for adding mongodb clusters.
but on our end, we only have a single instance mongodb installations. 
Does that mean we cannot backup the mongodb with commvault?

I re-read the docs a few times and think you can just add one node and be fine (and that the wording needs to be clearer) but I’m not positive.

Let me talk to our documentation team and have them clarify.

I’ll reply when I have more!

the admincenter asks for a cluster node when you want to configure mongo db backup….
I can'”t show you, as our admincenter doesn’t work anymore due to the wonderfull updates of commvault.



@Bart , I heard back:

on 24 --- if MongoDB deployment is standalone server then use FS agent ---

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on 24 --- if MongoDB deplpyment is a replica set or a sharded cluster then use the MongoDB agent

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