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Can't Backup AWS machines

  • 17 June 2021
  • 4 replies

Hi guys, getting this error when trying to backup machines from AWS

the media agent is installed on AWS, has an open connection to the CommCell

I’m getting the list of the client VMs

and then this error pops up

Failed to get proxy information. Instance eINSTANCE STRING] not found in any region.

any suggestions?


4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +14

Hi @Eldan ,

What Region/AZ is your AWS MA Situated in? - Does this have the VirtualServer Agent installed?

Have you selected the Media Agent (in AWS) as the VSA Proxy in the Virtualisation Client Properties?


Best Regards,


Userlevel 1
Badge +6

@MichaelCapon Sit in eu-west-1

the VirtualServer agent is installed 

and also selected the MA as proxy


Badge +1

Hi @Eldan 

Are the proxies in the same region as the target instances you are backing up? Please refer to the link below and report back.



Userlevel 3
Badge +13

Hello, in my case with the following error:

Error Code: [91:331] Description: Failed to get proxy information. [Instance ***** not found in any region.] Source: *****, Process: JobManager

My issue fixed right after enabled the "Use service account resources" in AWS Hypervisor details.

Best regards,
