
can't discover SQL databases

  • 30 April 2021
  • 8 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +14


I am trying to backup an sql server (not clustered)

I can’t see the databases when I try to discover

The dba creates a service account with permissions needed based on commvault documentation

Do you know where I can check some logs to troubleshoot that ? thank you



Best answer by dude 30 April 2021, 15:10

View original

8 replies

Badge +15

Hi @Bloopa 

  1. Can you make sure that the correct user account/password was entered either at the Instance level or at the Control Panel Level? Path: Home Tab on your java gui → control panel → user → SQL iDataagent.
  2. This is going to sound weird, but happened to me. Can you double check with the DBA whether databases actually do exist? Firewall disable as well.
  3. If you do indeed have the correct information in one of the above, can you make sure that the user account has the sysadmin role configured in SQL?
  4. Once the above has been configured and you still see the issue, can you attempt to login using the SQL Backup account using Management Studio? Whats the result?
  5. Can you make sure you can cvping the client from the commcell?


Userlevel 4
Badge +14


Sorry I update the post.


now I can discover the databases but I have this error when I lauch the backup

The DBA say that sysadmin role is correctly added to the service account I use.

Do you know what I can check to troubleshoot the issue, maybe I can send him some error logs ?

The service account is set under SQL Server



Thanks !

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Well, first, make 100% sure that the 5 points mentionned by @dude are already satisfied. 

Then when you initiate your SQL instance backup and it fails, just ask the DBA for that instance’s logs, so he would maybe provide what’s wrong.

Check then you backup job’s log. If validation fails, most probably it would go pending, then right click on it and select View Logs/For the job. Look for the user name provided, and you should find the credential used + the SQL server’s instance reply for denied access (that’s already provided as the console event for job delay)

As an example, DBA created an instance account, whereas you provided an ActiveDirectory account. So it looks good, but then the user is not the right one, mostly.. 


Badge +1

I came across a similar issue, except it can do the discovery on the Content tab OK, but the job starts QUEUED state and never even seems to talk to the client.  The error in the logs is MS MQL instance is not yet validated, starting the job in pending state.


 the DBA’s assure me the account is in the SQL SYSADMIN role.  (which seems to be born out by it being able to do a Discovery)



Machine : CommServe

File    : JobManager.log



8608  4238  09/09 10:03:38 5115463 Servant    [---- IMMEDIATE BACKUP REQUEST ----], taskid [124555] Clnt[XXXXXXXXX] AppType[SQL Server][81] BkpSet[defaultBackupSet] SubClnt[default] BkpLevel[Transaction Log][2]

8608  4238  09/09 10:03:38 5115463 Service    MS MQL instance is not yet validated, starting the job in pending state.

8608  4238  09/09 10:05:28 ####### ArchiveManagerCS::tryStoragePolicyUpdateForSubclient() - No need to update storage policy for current client [0], appId [11066].





Machine : CommServe

File    : Licensing.log



8608  4238  09/09 10:03:37 5115463 Check license: appType [81] Name [SQL Server] on client/library [1382]- Valid

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

@Stuart Walker , is this a current issue you need assistance with, or were you able to fix it via the thread details?  If the former, let me know and I’ll split your comment into its own thread for better tracking.


Userlevel 6
Badge +14

@Stuart Walker 

Discovery of database can still be confirmed without sysadmin role on backup account. The message you are seeing is because the initial backup user permission check failed. The check will run again in 24 hours or the services can be restarted on the client machine. This behavior has changed in recent service packs and no longer occurs.

Badge +1

Thanks @Mike Struening , @Scott Reynolds 

Had a couple of other items come up, but I will be revisiting my issue this week - the service account is in the SYSADMIN role, and local Administrators group, but the account had some odd password/locking issues so it might be related…..


@Stuart Walker

Discovery of database can still be confirmed without sysadmin role on backup account. The message you are seeing is because the initial backup user permission check failed. The check will run again in 24 hours or the services can be restarted on the client machine. This behavior has changed in recent service packs and no longer occurs.

Stuard, thank you for this. I am testing out Metallic and this issue appears to also on the Metallic version as well. 
