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Hello community 


we have extended retention for Yearly backup keep for infinite

If we change yearly extended retention to a monthly extended retention for infinite (no longer have extended retention for yearly), what happens to the yearly backups? Do the old yearly backups already on the backup storage/media start to get aging off ?



Hello @DanC 


Any changes made to retention will effect new and old jobs. This includes Extended retention. 

Kind regards

Albert Williams

thanks Albert


All jobs will amend their retention to reflect the new configuration, this means that if they are ready to age under the new retention setting, they will.

You could disable Data Aging from the CS Activity Tab, then modify the retention and run a Data Retention Forecast and Compliance Report, this should let you see how jobs will be affected by the new retention.

Once you are happy with the changes, enable Data Aging again at the CS level.

@DanC any change in the retention / extended retention rules will be taken into account by the next Data Aging Job and the jobs will be aged as per the current rule settings. Jobs once aged will be processed for physical space reclamation immediately by the system.
