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i have a doubt regarding jobs on Commvault, the doubt in storage polices, retention.

I need to know which jobs are not expiring, bellow the Storage Polices:

and another question is about jobs are not letting other jobs expire;

and how can i see these this in the Commvault GUI?



Bom dia @Fernando Souza 

I would start having a look at the data retention forecast report:

As you have many storage policies, please run the report for each storage policy copy you are interested to know what jobs are there and the reason for their retention.




This report was from the Forecast and Compliance Report but I need to know which jobs are not expiring.

Could you help me? @Ledoesp 


The Storage Polices of the Forecast and Compliance Report:


Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_Porto/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 15 days 2 cycles, Archiver data retain for 15 days
For Weekly Full Rule the week starts on Friday; Retain One Full Every Week for 60 days; 1 Grace Days
For Monthly Full Rule the month starts on 1; Retain One Full Every Month for 180 days; 1 Grace Days
For all rules keep the last full backup of time period

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_Porto/Porto- Lisboa)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 15 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_Funchal/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 15 days 2 cycles, Archiver data retain for 15 days
For Weekly Full Rule the week starts on Saturday; Retain One Full Every Week for 60 days; 1 Grace Days
For Monthly Full Rule the month starts on 1; Retain One Full Every Month for 180 days; 1 Grace Days
For all rules keep the last full backup of time period

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_Evora/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 15 days 2 cycles, Archiver data retain for 15 days
For Weekly Full Rule the week starts on Saturday; Retain One Full Every Week for 60 days; 1 Grace Days
For Monthly Full Rule the month starts on 1; Retain One Full Every Month for 180 days; 1 Grace Days
For all rules keep the last full backup of time period

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_Faro/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 15 days 2 cycles, Archiver data retain for 15 days
For Weekly Full Rule the week starts on Saturday; Retain One Full Every Week for 60 days; 1 Grace Days
For Monthly Full Rule the month starts on 1; Retain One Full Every Month for 180 days; 1 Grace Days
For all rules keep the last full backup of time period

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_FS/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 30 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_BD_FS_3M/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 90 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_BD_FS_3Y/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 1095 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_BD_FS_6M/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 180 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_BD_NPROD/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 60 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_BD_NPROD/DB_NPROD_Extended_90D_180D)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 90 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite
For Monthly Full Rule the month starts on 1; Retain One Full Every Month for 180 days
For all rules keep the first full backup of time period

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_BD_NPROD/Lisboa-Porto_BD_FS)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 7 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_BD_PROD/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 365 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_BD_PROD/Lisboa-Porto_DB_Prod)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 8 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_BD_PROD/DB_PROD_Extended_730D_1095D)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 730 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite
Retain One Full Every Year for 1095 days
For all rules keep the first full backup of time period

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_FS_PROD/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 60 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_FS_PROD/Lisboa-Porto_FS)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_FS_PROD/FS_PROD_Extended_60_180_730D)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 60 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite
For Monthly Full Rule the month starts on 1; Retain One Full Every Month for 180 days
Retain One Full Every Year for 730 days
For all rules keep the first full backup of time period

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_Infinito/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Infinite, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_Manual_3Y0C/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 1095 days 0 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_FS_NPROD/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 7 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_FS_NPROD/Lisboa-Porto_FS)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 7 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_FS_NPROD/LX_FS_NPROD_Extended_60_180_365D)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 60 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite
For Monthly Full Rule the month starts on 1; Retain One Full Every Month for 180 days
Retain One Full Every Year for 365 days
For all rules keep the first full backup of time period

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_BDarch_NPROD/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 60 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_BDarch_NPROD/Lisboa-Porto_DBarch_NPROD_9D0_180D)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 7 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_BDarch_NPROD/LX_Extended_DBarch_NPROD)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 90 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite
Retain One Full Every Year for 180 days
For all rules keep the first full backup of time period

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_BDarch_PROD/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 365 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_BDarch_PROD/Lisboa-Porto_DBarch_PROD)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 7 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_BD_FS/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 30 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite
For Weekly Full Rule the week starts on Friday; Retain One Full Every Week for 90 days
For all rules keep the first full backup of time period

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SP_LX_BD_FS/Lisboa-Porto_BD_FS)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 7 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (SystemBackups/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 8 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Storage Policy Copy Properties: (CommserveDR/Primary)

CommServe Timezone
Calendar Name: Standard
Retain for 60 days 1 cycles, Archiver data retain for infinite

Basically, jobs that do not expire are the ones not meeting the retention defined at the storage policy copy level. As you provide some details, each storage policy copy has defined a basic retention in days and cycles, in some cases some extended retention rules are in place.

Assuming that Data aging administrative tasks is scheduled to run and data aging is enabled in all your storage policies copies.

if your concern is that some jobs for a specific storage policy copy should have expired already, then you need to investigate using the reason for not aging with the foreacast report:

@Fernando Souza , the above answers are solid.  What you want to do overall is look at what jobs you should EXPECT to be there and look for anything outside that expectation.  A given full will normally prune X days after its last Incremental (where X equals days of retention).

At a VERY high level, you generally should not have any jobs unaged that are older than:

Days of Retention + Days between Fulls

Now, extended Retention and Cycles will change that, but assume the following:

8 days of retention + Weekly fulls (so 7 days between Fulls) = 15 days of data at most in that copy.

With that in mind, you want to look at any jobs that are OLDER than that time period and see what the reason for not pruning states in the report and go from there.

If you can share some examples, I’ll be happy to advise!

Hello @Mike Struening 
Thanks for your help, i need know about the jobs didn´t have pruning and jobs have a dependency to other jobs.

I send the Data Retention Forecast in attach.



@Mike Struening 

in another example(My laboratory) i have disk media to free, how can i free this space?


Thanks, @Fernando Souza !

I had a review and most of the report looks fine.

However, you have a decent number of old backups hanging around like these showing SP_Change_Keep_Last_Full.

What happened here is that you moved a subclient from one Storage Policy to another, and we are holding the last Full that ran on the OLD Policy until one runs on the NEW policy.

Without knowing, my assumption is that no new backup ran for whatever reason.  Take a look at the report and search for the jobs held for “SP_Change_Keep_Last_Full”.  You may want to manually remove them from any disk based copies.

You can also click the reason for more information.

Also, small note, you can see in my screenshot that I was doing a ‘Find’ on “retain for”.  That’s my little shortcut to go through these reports quickly since it jumps to the next copy and shows me the oldest jobs first :nerd:

Let me know if that helps!



@Mike Struening

in another example(My laboratory) i have disk media to free, how can i free this space?


Running Data Aging should do it.  Non dedupe data should free up rather quickly.

Hello @Mike Struening

All Storage Polices that begin with “OLD_” are associated with Media Agent “pt-acv”, since Commvault does not re-associate existing Storage Polices with a new deduplication engine.

In the old scenario they copied data to tape and in the new scenario all data goes to disk; 

in the new scenario: if the primary copy is equal to or less than 365 days, if is is an auxiliary copy it will use the server “pt-acv2”.

To ensure that the data was correctly removed from tape to disk, the following SP´s were created (SP\Migration_From_Tape_to_Disk): 

Purchased of a new Media Agent to distribute to this load with the new MA, help me how should i distribute this data with the new MA.

and in attach, ik organize the Storage Pools(without SP starting with “OLD_”

Hello @Mike Struening 

I was checking and for example, when I search for "SP_CHANGE_KEEP_LAST_FULL" I verified that all of these search jobs are already expired, can I remove them, correct?

And i saw this search and found to be related to SP: “OLD_” 

And another question, for remove, just disable and enable backup, then start aging and release space, is it correct?


@Fernando Souza , if you are 100% sure you no longer need those jobs, view the jobs on that Copy, right-click and hit Delete, then run Data Aging.

Hello @Mike Struening i contact the customer to verify these jobs if can remove and run Data Aging, and after i send a message here.


Great!  I’ll keep an eye out.

@Fernando Souza , I split your new question off into a separate thread here:

