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Hi Community,

When looking to utilize Cloud Power Management on Media Agents (in this case AWS), is there any considerations when looking to deploy 2 x node partitioned DDB Configuration?  I am trying to determine if there would be a situation where Power Management would power down one of the MA’s leaving only 1 x partition available causing additional bloat to the DDB and more data getting written to the Cloud Library?  I would assume that they would be treated as a pair and either both MA’s would be on or off but not sure how the logic works?


Can’t find any information in Books Online so any help would be appreciated.



Hello @G.lee 

Yes. In a multi-partitioned DDB configuration all required Media Agents will be sent “Power-On” requests.

Cloud MediaAgent Power Management

Support for Operations

Operations for Which the System Automatically Turns On Cloud MediaAgents

Power management turns on cloud MediaAgents for the following operations:

  • Auxiliary copy operations

  • Backup operations

  • Restore operations

  • Pruning operations


Thank you,


Thanks Collin - appreciate the response 


No Problem!


Thank you,
