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Hi All, 


Can anyone help with the XML  file that’s involved with the Name Change Management wizard for Commserve display name change . And also what is the logs that capture the name change.


The XML can be found here:


Changing the CommServe Hostname on Commserve and Remote Clients Using the Command Line Interface (

Regarding the log name I believe only this log is involved:

<install dir>\Commmvault\ContentStore\Log Files\CvInstallMgr.log

Here is an example what to look for:


8568  1f64  07/19 09:54:30 ### Start to update remote client info for fclienthostname]
8568  1f64  07/19 09:54:30 ### Using Uclienthostname] as the remote hostname
8568  1f64  07/19 09:54:30 ### <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><CVInstallManager_ClientSetup CommServeHostName="CSHOSTNAME" Operationtype="27"><CommServeInfo><CommserveHostInfo _type_="3" clientName="COMMSERVE" csGUID="********" hostName="CSHOSTNAME"/></CommServeInfo><clientComposition activateClient="1" packageDeliveryOption="0"><clientInfo><client cvdPort="8400" evmgrcPort="0"><clientEntity _type_="3" clientName="CLIENTNAME" hostName="CLIENTHOSTNAME"/></client></clientInfo></clientComposition></CVInstallManager_ClientSetup>
8568  1f64  07/19 09:54:30 ### Update installer flag for XML message with operation type t27] which should not be in preinstall mode.
8568  1f64  07/19 09:54:30 ### Attempting to reconnect
8568  1f64  07/19 09:54:30 ### Attempting to connection to CLIENTHOSTNAME, platformType 1].
8568  1f64  07/19 09:54:30 ### Connection to remote machine succeeded.
8568  1f64  07/19 09:54:30 ### Reconnection succeeded.


Hi Jos

Just for my understanding, Is the XML you mentioned (  the XML for Name Management .I am asking because the source link (you mentioned) says its the XML to change Commserver Display name on the remote client. But I am looking for the Name management XML that helps name change on the commserver itself 

Hi @Ashitha 

My apologies, as far as I know there is no XML publicly available to perform this action.

The name management tool performs this by executing the SQL stored procedure “AppCSNameChange” from within the Commserve database. As far as I can see this change is also not tracked in logging.

Only when the CSrecovery tool is used I can see the underlying procedure in log file CvNameChange.log, as where the actual CS Display Name change is also performed by this stored procedure:

