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Commserve migration to linux



Is there a procedure to migrate the commserve from windows to linux Rhel

I saw a someone ask this question before but it was quit a while back

I couldn’t find any procedure in the documentation


Best regards,

7 replies


  • Author
  • Byte
  • 15 replies
  • October 31, 2023


Thanks for the replay - 

the first option is for Commserve recovery for linux commserve - recovering a linux commserve to another linux commserve (linux to linux)

the second option is configuration for linux commserve live sync (linux to linux)


my question is - if my commserve is windows - is there any procedure  t convert the commserve to linux commserve?


@LiorRN ,

First one, Backup CS DR and Restore in Linux using the script.

Second one, create Live Sync from Windows CS to Linux CS.

  • Byte
  • 58 replies
  • November 1, 2023

Hello @LiorRN,


It currently is not supported to restore an existing CommServe on Windows to a CommServe on Linux.
To my knowledge this is roadmapped for a future release.


  • Vaulter
  • 57 replies
  • December 14, 2023

@mikevg @LiorRN,


I wanted to update you with a correction. Win CS → Linux CS migration is supported as of 11.32. Text that says otherwise in the documentation is being corrected and should be live over the next week or so.


As @Sebastien Merluzzi said, you can migrate by doing a hardware refresh:

  • Run a DR backup of the Win CS then shut it down.
  • You can restore that backup to the Linux CS during installation when prompted to create new DBs or use existing.
    - or -
    If the Linux CS is already fully installed, you can use CSRecoveryAssistant to restore those DBs.

Or you can use LiveSync by setting up the Linux CS as the standby, and then failing over once it’s caught up. The Windows CS should be removed after this, as ongoing LiveSync between Windows and Linux is not yet ready.


HI @LiorRN 

The CMR 402289 has been created, I will check the status and ETA.

Best Regards,


  • Byte
  • 65 replies
  • January 17, 2024

Hi guys, I have a “situation” where needed to do an unplanned failover to a windows standby (11.28.91). The old primary was 2012 Server and very old HW, so was due for a refresh.

Since that old primary is not recoverable, is it possible to build a new Linux CS running 11.32 and “recover/upgrade” or to add it as a new standby to accomplish the same goal - getting to Linux CS and new LTR?



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