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I have started to work with a new customer, and this customer are using Commvault LiveSync, and one thing that are making my attention, and there for this questions. 


When looking into the client group “CVLiveSync”, I can see mutiple groups with or without clients inside. I can of course see the client group called “CVLiveSync”, that have the active and passive node.

But I can also see other client groups, that have normal Commvault Clients inside. 


Is that normal for the client group “CVLiveSync”, that you put also normal Commvault clients into this client group?


I would except that this client group “CVLiveSync” would only contain one group only contain the active and passive node. Or am I wrong here?


Thanks in advance! 

That sounds odd.  So you see a group called CVLiveSync within the same named group?

I would expect to see your active and passive nodes only.

Adding another thread with good information about the group for anyone reading along.


Hi Mike


Many thanks for your help until now.


So you see a group called CVLiveSync within the same named group?

  • Yes, this one I can see, and this group have only the active and passive node as a member. 


But I also see many other groups within the same client group called “CVLiveSync”. And the name of those groups are called anything else “CVLiveSync”.


Is that normal for an standard Commvault LiveSync configuration?

And can you remove the groups to clean up the Commvault LiveSync configuration?


Yes, I have been reading this topic many times, and now fully understand this part.


I honestly have never seen it, though I’m also equally not sure if it can be normal.

I would advise creating a support case to confirm.  My bigger concern is that there’s some loophole of sorts that is allowing for nested grouping that might be problematic in other ways.

Can you let me know the support case once created?  I’m very curious about this one 🤓

Hi Mike


Can you let me know the support case once created?

  • I don´t know. 
  • I have just started to work with the customer, so I really don´t know.

Commvault LiveSync failover test:

  • The customer want I to do an failover test, and it will be the first one ever made, but I will stop this failover test. 
  • It really sounds like an shaky setup.


Commvault upgrade:

  • I will create an offline upgrade of the Commvault software to version 11.26.40, and then after and in co work with the customer create an support case. I will update this chat with the result.


Many thanks for your help and support until now.

But I also see many other groups within the same client group called “CVLiveSync”. And the name of those groups are called anything else “CVLiveSync”.


Can you post a printscreen of the groups which you are in doubt of.
Not sure if I understand correctly, but it sounds like this is a grouping folder for client groups.
In this case it can contain several groups related to live sync.
But to be sure that you get the correct answer it would be great if you can provide the printscreen.

Sounds like it’s actually in a folder. You can put groups into folder, you even have automatic folders.

Hi Jos

Sorry, this is an dark site, so that is not possible.

It is an automatic folder, so it iooking like, that alle clients with a name with “Failover*” is been putted into the LiveSync gropu.

Is it a yellow folder icon or an icon with two computer screens?


Again thanks for your help and support.

Here can you see how it is looking in the Commvault console.



Ah yes, the yellow folder is only a grouping folder, it organizes client groups.
The name is indeed the same, but does not conflict or overlap with client configs or live sync functionality.

This can be ignored or renamed.

The CVLiveSync with the blue icon is the actual client group involved with the CVLiveSync config.

Seems fine to me :)
