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When excluding Dynamics 365 content from backup, it needs to be assigned to a Dynamics 365 Plan - I am interested in understanding why. Can someone please offer an explanation? 

That step seems to have been omitted from the documentation.

Hello @Erase4ndReuseMedia 


When you create any entry into the content tab it must be associated to an appropriate plan. 

Given you are planning on use it to disable there is no functional reason for this but it seems to be a rule for all entries. 


Kind regards

Albert Williams

Thanks @Albert Williams

If there is no functional reason for it, it seems strange to enforce it. 

Hello @Erase4ndReuseMedia 


I think the reason is it avoid situations where if you go head and enable that content without the plan it could get weird or require an extra popup window. Doing it on creation for all just saves that being a consideration. 


Kind regards

Albert Williams

Yeah, OK. Seems clunky to force it on the off chance that someone will need to re-enable the content for backup.

Thank you for clarifying that there are no technical reasons behind it!
