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Commvault on Azure VM's

  • 15 December 2021
  • 1 reply


I have a Commcell set up on MS Azure VM’s. Commserv + 4 MA’s.

Need to move these VM’s to a different Vnet/Subnet.

The only way to do it is to :

  • Delete the VM but keep the OS Disk + Data disks
  • Deploy a new VM in the new Vnet\subnet and use the still existing OS Disk + data disk

Question is whether Commvault application will still work after this change ?

Are there any dependencies of Commvault binaries on IP address level ?



My expectation is that as long as every machine involved can still see the CS and Media Agents as they expect to, and each vm can see it’s resources as it expects to, you should have no issues.

Licensing used to be bound by IP address, but not any longer.

You could always just follow the Hardware Refresh guide:
