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Hi All,

Our client is planing Commvault server refresh activity were they are doing the below steps:-

Built new Commserve and Media Agents (All physical server)

Keep the current Commvault environment and move all the Clients to the New Commvault environmnet.

Below are my queries

When we are building new Commserver does we need to install Microsoft SQL manullay and do we require Microsoft SQL liscense for the same?

And if we are using Commvault Media kit will Microsoft SQL get insalled automatically and will that also require Microsoft SQL liscense?

How can we restore old data after moving the all clients from Old Commvault environment to new Commvault environment?

Please provide you inputs.

Hello @Rahul18081 

Have you reviewed any documentation?

There is a entire section dedicated to all the steps required for a CS hardware refresh

Which answer your questions, SQL will be installed when you install the CS and license question is answered below. Final question is part of the rebuild steps above.


Note there is also a MA refresh page as well

@Scott Reynolds  What is the commvault site url and ip address that we need to allow for internet access for uploading logs and DR backup and downloading Commvault software into the cache.

@Rahul18081 That information is all listed here:
