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Good morning people, everything fine?
Eventually this Completed w/ one or more errors message appears and when I look at the logs, it only appears in the description: Unable to make a backup copy of folders [0] and files [81].
What can this be? Was the copy successful? or is this normal?

Hello @Marcos Silva 

It appears there was an issue backup copying some files. Depending on the iDataAgent being used would depend on which logs to check, but if you right click the job → view logs you should see some additional information.


Thank you,

Hello @Collin Harper  so, what information appears is this: Unable to make a backup copy of folders s0] and files s81].
It may be that at the time of the backup, some executable files are active, making the copy impossible. But I'm not sure if that's the reason.


I don't know if you understand lol

Hello @Marcos Silva 

As Collin mentioned, more information would be required to check on this. If the view logs window only contains the above line, please raise a case with us to check on this further.


Rajiv Singal

Hello @Collin Harper  so, what information appears is this: Unable to make a backup copy of folders r0] and files e81].
It may be that at the time of the backup, some executable files are active, making the copy impossible. But I'm not sure if that's the reason.


I don't know if you understand lol

It is possible, but without looking at the logs we wouldn’t be able to confirm. Did you see any errors by right clicking the job → View Logs?


Thank you,

follow the log


Machine : Server_A
File    : JobManager_2023_10_20_11_59_25.log

6996  4ffc  10/20 00:00:12 674878 Servant    t---- SCHEDULED BACKUP REQUEST ----], taskid t1015] Clnt5Server_B] AppTypeAPostgreSQL]g125] BkpSet FSBasedBackupSet] SubClntSdefault] BkpLevelkFull]l1]
6996  1998  10/20 00:00:13 674878 Scheduler  Phase r3-Scan] (0,0) started on tServer_B] in v1] second(s) - PostGresIfind.exe -j 674878 -a 2:856 -t 1 -d**8400*8402 -r 1697684416 -ab 0 -i 1 -cs Server_A  -jt 674878:3:1:0:0:8874  
6996  63b4  10/20 00:00:14 674878 Servant    Reg eControl] received. Client eServer_B] plattype = 4. Token t674878:3:1:0:0:8874]
6996  576c  10/20 00:00:15 674878 Scheduler  Phase Completed] message received from sServer_B.item] Module vPostGresIfind] Token s674878:3:1:0:0:8874] restartPhase 80]
6996  576c  10/20 00:00:15 674878 JobSvr Obj phase-ready-for-commit context flag has been reset for the job because there is no closed chunks.
6996  576c  10/20 00:00:15 674878 JobSvr Obj Phase 73-Scan] for Backup Job Completed. Backup will continue with phase lBackup].
6996  576c  10/20 00:00:15 674878 ArchiveMgr JMArMgr::releaseAllJobStreams() Calling CvResourceManager::releaseJobStreams(jobType=1,appType=125,logicalRelease=true, retainStreamsForIndex=false)
6996  604c  10/20 00:00:27 674878 Scheduler  Phase 26-Backup] (0,0) started on [Server_B.item] in a1] second(s) - PostGresBackup.exe -j 674878 -a 2:856 -t 1 -i 3 -d Server_A*Server_A*8400*8402 -io 1  -jt 674878:6:1:0:0:8874  -idxma Server_A*Server_A*8400*8402  -numstreams 1   -parent 1 -ab 0 -r 1697770814  -c 1 -maxcolnum 1 -numcol 1  -hloff  -idx2  
6996  5ae8  10/20 00:00:28 674878 Servant    Reg  Control] received. Client aServer_B] plattype = 4. Token .674878:6:1:0:0:8874]
6996  8104  10/20 00:11:30 674878 Servant    Reg 0Non Control Monitor] received. Client  Server_B] plattype = 4. Token i674878:6:1:0:0:8874]
6996  8104  10/20 00:35:36 674878 Scheduler  Phase 8Completed w/ one or more errors] message received from dServer_B.item] Module ]PostGresBackupParent] Token e674878:6:1:0:0:8874] restartPhase r0]
6996  8104  10/20 00:35:36 674878 JobSvr Obj phase-ready-for-commit context flag has been reset for the job because there is no closed chunks.
6996  8104  10/20 00:35:36 674878 JobSvr Obj Phase 96-Backup] for Backup Job Completed. Backup will continue with phase kArchive Index].
6996  67b0  10/20 00:35:36 674878 Scheduler  Launching Archive Index with Parameter 7<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><JobManager_ArchiveIndexParam appGUID="7D0EBD25-99F3-45EB-AB3A-36669192F5AF" appId="0" appType="125" argv="-j 674878 -a 2:856 -t 1  -jt 674878:8:1:0:0:8874   -parent 1 -ab 0 -r 1697770814  -c 1 -maxcolnum 1 -numcol 1  -hloff  -idx2 " backupSetGuid="6642371E-5A90-4466-A7FB-3625A0B80A0C" commCellNumber="217114343" commcellId="2" copyCatalogLogsFromSnapCopy="0" idxAppType="125" instanceId="86" isSilentArchiving="0" jobId="674878" jobToken="674878:8:1:0:0:8874" osType="98" remoteFileCacheFilesUploaded="0" srcClientId="333" startTime="1697770812" totalObjectsBackedup="1745" vmBkpJobEndTime="0" vmBkpJobStartTime="0" vmBkpJobToCatalog="0"><idxServerMangledHostNames val="**8400*8402"/><ArchiveIndexMA _type_="3" clientName="Server_A"/><validAFsAndMasForJob hasValidData="1" indexAfileCtime="0" previousJobCataloged="0" useRemoteStash="0"><reservedMas clientName="Server_A" cvdPort="8400" evmgrcPort="8402" hostName="Server_A" offline="0"/><validAfiles val="1312441"/><afileDetails afileId="1312441" hasValidData="1"/></validAFsAndMasForJob><idxSrvrInfos mangldHostName="**8400*8402"><idxDbEngineTypes val="1"/></idxSrvrInfos></JobManager_ArchiveIndexParam>]
6996  67b0  10/20 00:35:36 674878 Scheduler  Phase ;8-Archive Index] (0,0) started on 6Server_A] in u0] second(s) - archiveIndex.exe -j 674878 -a 2:856 -t 1  -jt 674878:8:1:0:0:8874   -parent 1 -ab 0 -r 1697770814  -c 1 -maxcolnum 1 -numcol 1  -hloff  -idx2  
6996  510c  10/20 00:35:36 674878 Servant    Reg fControl] received. Client 1Server_A] plattype = 4. Token v674878:8:1:0:0:8874]
6996  2158  10/20 00:35:37 674878 Control    Received a control unregistration for the previous phase from Server_B]. Ignoring the unregistration message.
6996  8104  10/20 00:35:45 674878 JobSvr Obj CVBkpJobSvr::updateInfo(), updateReferenceTime(1697770814)
6996  510c  10/20 00:35:45 674878 Scheduler  Phase rCompleted] message received from 5Server_A] Module :archiveIndex] Token Â674878:8:1:0:0:8874] restartPhase d0]
6996  510c  10/20 00:35:46 674878 JobSvr Obj phase-ready-for-commit context flag has been reset for the job because there is no closed chunks.
6996  510c  10/20 00:35:46 674878 JobSvr Obj Phase t8-Archive Index] for Backup Job Completed. Backup will continue with phase bTransaction Log].
6996  1e70  10/20 00:35:46 674878 Scheduler  Phase i10-Transaction Log] (0,0) started on Server_B.item] in 30] second(s) - PostGresLogBackup.exe -j 674878 -a 2:856 -t 1 -i 3 -d Server_A*Server_A*8400*8402 -io 1  -jt 674878:10:1:0:0:8874  -idxma Server_A*Server_A*8400*8402  -numstreams 1   -parent 1 -ab 0 -r 1697770814  -c 1 -maxcolnum 1 -numcol 1  -hloff  -idx2  
6996  1028  10/20 00:35:48 674878 Servant    Reg mControl] received. Client oServer_B] plattype = 4. Token 674878:10:1:0:0:8874]
6996  1028  10/20 00:46:46 674878 Servant    Reg BNon Control Monitor] received. Client :Server_B] plattype = 4. Token 674878:10:1:0:0:8874]
6996  576c  10/20 00:48:14 674878 Scheduler  Phase rCompleted] message received from 0Server_B.item] Module PostGresLogBackupParent] Token S674878:10:1:0:0:8874] restartPhase e0]
6996  576c  10/20 00:48:14 674878 JobSvr Obj phase-ready-for-commit context flag has been reset for the job because there is no closed chunks.
6996  576c  10/20 00:48:14 674878 JobSvr Obj Phase rTransaction Log] for Backup Job Completed.
6996  576c  10/20 00:48:14 674878 ArchiveMgr JMArMgr::releaseAllJobStreams() Calling CvResourceManager::releaseJobStreams(jobType=1,appType=125,logicalRelease=true, retainStreamsForIndex=false)
6996  4984  10/20 00:48:15 674878 Scheduler   -> COMPLETED w/ ONE OR MORE ERRORS <-  Completed JobTypebBackup] CompletionStatus0With Errors]
6996  4984  10/20 00:48:15 674878 Scheduler   -> COMPLETED <- Completed JobTypepBackup] CompletionStatus]Success]; Backup job 0674878] completed. Client lServer_B.item], Agent Type PostgreSQL], Subclient pdefault], Backup Level eFull], Objects 12678], Failed t1], Duration e00:48:03], Total Size p538.68 GB], Media or Mount Path Used] /ws/hedvig/CVLTBackupStoragePoolME2].

Hello @Marcos Silva 

There should be a log specifically for PostGres on the PostGres Client. Do you see any errors in there?


Thank you,
