Have you installed any CV updates since the last time you logged in to C.S.?
No. I just had to update the console because it was complaining, but I haven’t manually applied any updates to the Commserve
Give this a try.
Restart CV services on CI and Webserver(if they are separate).
I had an issue where a commcell only patch was needed. For some reason after installing that patch I couldn't log into CI. I recycled services and viola it worked. I understand you patched just the java console but if you haven't already cycling services is worth a try.
i rebooted all the servers already :(
I’m currently running 11.32.76, platform release 2023E on my CS if that helps
Well the reboot at least gives a clear slate.
I would try logging in as the CV admin account(non-AD login) and see if that allows you to login. If not then we know its 100% not any issue with AD.
I am unable to login as the CV admin account either.
OK well I think that's a positive outcome as it removes any issues with AD authentication - so we don’t need to worry about replication issues or similar AD problems.
However, now it's necessary to look at the CV logs to determine why this failure is occurring and because there is no job associated with logging into CI its a bit more intensive of an effort to dig through and find something meaningful.
In my opinion you have three ways to proceed.
- Open a ticket with Support and include the steps you took in this thread.
- Stop all jobs to limit activity on your commcell. Attempt another login attempt using CV Admin account. Pull up each of the commvault log file directories on your CS and CI servers - see what log files time stamp. Open those files in GxTail.exe(found in Base directory). Try to login again so you can tail those logs in real time and see what's going on within both servers. Post your results/logs from the tails that include an error or content you believe points to the problem
- Leave this post up for a while since its brand new and maybe someone will respond with a solution
Thanks for all your help so far.
I don’t have support on this system because we moved to Commvault SaaS recently and this system is only used for email search for the next 9 months or so. But obviously I need this to work so will pay for support if that’s what it comes down to.
There are no other jobs running. This system is strictly used to retrieve emails for FOIA that are outside of the current Commvault SaaS window.
I am familiar with GXtail and was trying to find the right log but have not had success yet.
When you say CS, are you referring to the CommServe or Compliance Search?
When you say CI, what are you referring to here?
Thank you.
My apologies - I suffer from using acronyms with my coworkers and seems i’ve unconsciously spilled over onto this post.
CS = Commcell
CI = Content Indexing/Content search.
OK - so no support contract if you want to share your log files from the CommServer and Content Search host by attaching them here (not sure if there is a size limit so you may need to find another space online) I'll be happy to take a look.
Depending on your situation you may need to scrub the log files before you share them. Scrubbing masks sensitive data like server names. For some sites I know that it is important - use can access that feature when using Send Log Files to collect/compress logs. Configuring Data Masking for Log Files