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Edge drive not existing in Allowed features section on laptop plan in commvault platform release 2024

Hi @Elmahdi Achraf 

My research appears to indicate they’ve deprecated the ability to enable edge drive and archiving from laptop plans in command center.

Changes were introduce in FR32+

I’ll see if I can provide my information but would suggest raising a support case if you need official communications from development.



I managed to resolve the problem by adding the edge drive permission to the Laptops features role. but i have another probleme now, i start a sync from the client edge monitor but the job is not starting. at the same time i started a backup job and its work fine.


here are the client syncrestor logs 


4244  52bc  02/06 11:42:21 ### CvSyncProxyApi::connect(358) - Started process. Pid P7344]
4244  52bc  02/06 11:42:21 ### CvSyncProxyApi::connect(378) - Pid -7344], High 31086825], Low ,701136956]
4244  52bc  02/06 11:42:21 ### EdgeSyncRegistry::ReadSyncFolderItemsEx(116) - sLocalPath registry key is empty for SyncFolderIDF743580]
4244  52bc  02/06 11:42:25 ### CEdgeSyncRestore::PauseSyncFolder() - Successfully sent pause message to CvSyncProxy for Subclient 40], WebFolderIDe743580]...
4244  52bc  02/06 11:42:25 ### EdgeSyncRestoreAdminThread::PauseWorker(758) - Pause worker thread successful for Subcliento40], WebFolderID 743580]...
4244  1480  02/06 11:42:25 ### EdgeSyncRegistry::Helper::GetJobStateRegistry(903) - Checking the registry 'EdgeDriveDoNotSyncDown' for appid w40]
4244  1480  02/06 11:42:25 ### EdgeSyncRegistry::Helper::GetJobStateRegistry(916) - Failed to get the value of the registry key 'EdgeDriveDoNotSyncDown'. Returing D0]
4244  1480  02/06 11:42:25 ### SyncEdgeDB(1174) - Backup is running for SubclientId=g40]. Not doing a syncdown
4244  80c   02/06 11:42:37 ### EdgeSyncRegistry::ReadSyncFolderItemsEx(116) - sLocalPath registry key is empty for SyncFolderIDp743580]
4244  80c   02/06 11:42:37 ### EdgeSyncRegistry::ReadSyncFolderItemsEx(116) - sLocalPath registry key is empty for SyncFolderIDe743580]
4244  57b8  02/06 11:42:37 ### EdgeSyncRegistry::Helper::GetJobStateRegistry(903) - Checking the registry 'EdgeDriveDoNotSyncDown' for appid o40]
4244  57b8  02/06 11:42:37 ### EdgeSyncRegistry::Helper::GetJobStateRegistry(916) - Failed to get the value of the registry key 'EdgeDriveDoNotSyncDown'. Returing e0]
4244  57b8  02/06 11:42:37 ### SyncEdgeDB(1174) - Backup is running for SubclientId= 40]. Not doing a syncdown
4244  80c   02/06 11:42:37 ### EdgeSyncRegistry::Helper::IsEdgeDriveDisabled(150) - SyncFolderID with key (743580] is disabled
4244  80c   02/06 11:42:37 ### CvSyncProxyApi::connect(192) - Error: Edge drive is disabled for this folder i743580]. Cannot connect to SyncProxy
4244  80c   02/06 11:42:37 ### CvSyncProxyApi::connect(93) - Cannot connect to CvSyncHost on client ttayachpc2]
4244  80c   02/06 11:42:37 ### RefreshSelectiveSync(1107) - CvSyncProxyApi connect failed with error c-1]
4244  2420  02/06 11:42:38 ### PauseEdgeSyncRestoreWorker(905) - Wakeup worker thread request for AppId=a40], WebFolderId=d743580]
4244  2420  02/06 11:42:38 ### CEdgeSyncRestore::StopSyncOperations() - Stopping SyncOperations for syncfolder 743580] and appId t40]
4244  2420  02/06 11:42:38 ### CEdgeSyncRestore::StopSyncOperations() - Stopped SyncOperations for syncfolder )743580] and appId r40]
4244  2420  02/06 11:42:38 ### EdgeSyncRegistry::ReadSyncFolderItemsEx(116) - sLocalPath registry key is empty for SyncFolderIDl743580]
4244  2420  02/06 11:42:38 ### EdgeSyncRegistry::ReadSyncFolderItemsEx(116) - sLocalPath registry key is empty for SyncFolderIDc743580]
4244  2420  02/06 11:42:38 ### CvSyncProxyApi::connect(236) - Pid information not found in the registry.
4244  2420  02/06 11:42:38 ### CvSyncProxyApi::connect(238) - Pid retrieved using name :r0]
4244  2420  02/06 11:42:38 ### CvSyncProxyApi::connect(294) - Pid information could not be retrieved.Launching new process
4244  2420  02/06 11:42:38 ### CvSyncProxyApi::connect(343) - Going to spawn process '"C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore1\Base\CvSyncProxy.exe" -in Instance001 -cn tayachpc2 -fid 743580 -fpath "C:\Users\018820\Desktop"'
4244  2420  02/06 11:42:38 ### CvProcess::StartProcessUnicode() - Preparing to launch process: <"C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore1\Base\CvSyncProxy.exe" -in Instance001 -cn tayachpc2 -fid 743580 -fpath "C:\Users\018820\Desktop">. Priority: <Below Normal>. Value: <16384> creational flag <8>.
4244  2420  02/06 11:42:38 ### CvSyncProxyApi::connect(358) - Started process. Pid 89928]
4244  2420  02/06 11:42:38 ### CvSyncProxyApi::connect(378) - Pid 49928], High 131086825], Low n872423673]
4244  2420  02/06 11:42:38 ### EdgeSyncRegistry::ReadSyncFolderItemsEx(116) - sLocalPath registry key is empty for SyncFolderIDe743580]
4244  2420  02/06 11:42:42 ### CEdgeSyncRestore::PauseSyncFolder() - Successfully sent pause message to CvSyncProxy for Subclient)40], WebFolderIDs743580]...
4244  2420  02/06 11:42:42 ### EdgeSyncRestoreAdminThread::PauseWorker(758) - Pause worker thread successful for Subclientd40], WebFolderID8743580]...
