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hello colleagues,
Please help me with one question. How to automatically generate a report in Laptop Backup Health. To export to csv automatically.

Thank you 


You can schedule that report from Webconsole / Command center and it will be sent to your email address or will get saved to the location where you want to do in CSV format.

Apart from this you can copy the equivalent API for that report and work with your automation team to schedule the same in CSV format.


Hello, thank you for your answer

but this is not in the laptop section. I need an automatic report of all laptops.




The console functionality can’t be scheduled. Instead of that you can use the below report:!/135/728/24491

Laptop Backup Health Report

Hello, thank you for your answer


maybe could you suggest a way to automatically get a csv file with computer name, last backup date and configured status?

maybe can i make a detailed report through the Commcell console?

Thank you
