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CV Agent to install is from higher version

  • 1 October 2021
  • 2 replies

Can I use cv agent from 11.20.67 to my Client that will be going to add to Commvault  with version11.20.46?

Hi @rolan 

It would be better to maintain consistent versioning across your environment as any mis-match in versions between Commserve, Media Agents and Clients may cause inconsistencies in behaviour.

You can download Commvault software, feature releases and maintenance releases both from Maintenance Advantage and Commvault Cloud.

However, while it is very important to maintain consistent major versions, e.g. 11.20 between clients, you should be ok to install a client with a different minor hotfix/maintenance release version, e.g. 11.20.67, than the rest of the environment.

Your Commserve will detect and notify that the client running 11.20.67 is “Ahead” if the Commserve software cache is at 11.20.46.

Of course, if there are any issues or errors seen, the first troubleshooting step will be to ensure that all components are on the same version for consistency.



Hi @Stuart,

I appreciate your response a lot. Thank you for the time helping someone like me that is new to this Solutions.
