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Data written in SQL view or store procedure


Hi all,

In the job history or the job details there is a field “Data Written”.

Is there a view or stored procedure in SQL that gives me this field? Or in which table I should look for this value?

Thx and best regards

Best answer by Sheri Balzarano

Hello @chelydridae,

For the CommCellBackupInfo view, the totalBackupSize is defined as Total Backup Size after Compression, but before deduplication (Archive File Size). This is not a value that is displayed anywhere in the Commcell Console for a job.

Unfortunately, the Data Written value is not explicitly outlined in this Commcell View and I do not believe it is available in other Commcell views.

Other options for obtaining the Data Written value from a query directly include:
a) If your Commcell is configured for and uploading metrics reporting data, the Data Written value for jobs can be found in the cf_SurveyJobStats table of the CVCloudDB.

b) You may leverage the back end queries from available metrics reports that provide these details such as the 'Jobs in Storage Policy Copies' report or other Web Console/ Metrics reports that already have queries to calculate the Data Written value for Jobs:!/135/660/12184
The queries could be taken out of the report (by editing the dataSet of the report directly from within Web Console).
If you are hesitant to pull together a query from these reports or you would prefer someone within our organization make such a query, you can reach our account team to discuss options for this at any time.


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Hi @chelydridae 

Thanks for the question and welcome to the Community!

We have several CommCell Views available.

There are a few views with backup sizes, but these are reported differently, with Index and without, compressed, uncompressed, total backupsize, etc.

Take a look at these views and others to see if they provide the figures you are looking for:







Thank you Stuart for the hints on the CommCell views.

Unfortunately it seems that none of the mentioned views contains the “Data Written” number I am looking for.

  • CommCellBackupInfo lists “numbytesuncomp” - equals “Size of Application”; “TotalBackupSize” is almost always slightly bigger than “numbytescomp”, maybe Index-data?, and seems to correspond with “Data Transferred on Network”; I also doubt that the unit here is KB as mentioned in the description, rather it seems Bytes too.
  • Same for CommCellBackupInfoStats
  • CommCellClientLevelBkpJobSummary, is a summary as the name states, but I’d like the job-details for each job
  • CommCellCompletedBkpJobsInfo: the given BackupSizes corresponds to “Size of Application”

Again: in the CommCell Browser in the Job Details screen on the tab “Details” is the line “Data written:” - this number is what I am looking for.


Hello @chelydridae,

For the CommCellBackupInfo view, the totalBackupSize is defined as Total Backup Size after Compression, but before deduplication (Archive File Size). This is not a value that is displayed anywhere in the Commcell Console for a job.

Unfortunately, the Data Written value is not explicitly outlined in this Commcell View and I do not believe it is available in other Commcell views.

Other options for obtaining the Data Written value from a query directly include:
a) If your Commcell is configured for and uploading metrics reporting data, the Data Written value for jobs can be found in the cf_SurveyJobStats table of the CVCloudDB.

b) You may leverage the back end queries from available metrics reports that provide these details such as the 'Jobs in Storage Policy Copies' report or other Web Console/ Metrics reports that already have queries to calculate the Data Written value for Jobs:!/135/660/12184
The queries could be taken out of the report (by editing the dataSet of the report directly from within Web Console).
If you are hesitant to pull together a query from these reports or you would prefer someone within our organization make such a query, you can reach our account team to discuss options for this at any time.



Dear Sheri

Thanks to your reference to the report I found that the values I am looking for seem to be stored in the table [CommServ].[dbo].[JMJobDataStats] in the column “sizeOnMedia”.

Actually the report ‘Jobs in Storage Policy Copies’ is quite what I would like in the end - except that the grouping should be done by Client Computer Groups rather than Storage Policies.

Unfortunately I am overwhelmed by the features and options of the Report Generator … therefore I am going to reach out to our Commvault represantive.

Thank you 


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