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Hello it’s me again :)

Is anyone have tried to deploy a custom package with ansible ?

I would try with my colleague but actually  it does not work.

here is the portion of code we use to deploy 

- name: Install and register Commvault Agent
  win_shell: c:/sources/Commvault/WinX64.exe /silent /install /silent
    executable: cmd
  become_method: runas
  become: yes
  become_user: "{{ ansible_user }}"
  when: not CVserviceresult.exists
  register: CVinstallresult

It seems that we have somme issue and the installer is not executed.

If anyone has a piece of code that work it will be very appreciated :

Thanks !

Hi Bloopa


In reviewing your other post I see you got the custom package to work in silent mode so we can assume the package is not the issue.  

From my initial thoughts this looks like something that you may benefit better from opening a support ticket with us and have an engineer look at with you during a remote session.  That way they can get a deeper look at the full code and troubleshoot as needed.

Thank you

Yes you're right the custom package works.

ok, I will open a case if the issue is still occur. 

thanks !

If you do, let me know!
