Hi @Manikandn
There are no technical differences between the two FR types.
Innovation releases often introduce new features into the product that create additional functionality or support for features, potentially 3rd party vendor support.
Take a look at the What’s New pages in documentation for information about a particular FR.
The major difference between Long Term Support and Innovation releases are the length of time these releases are within support and qualify for Hotfix packs, now called Maintenance Releases.
LTS releases are supported for 3 years
Innovation releases for 1 year.
Often our large, enterprise customers have such involved and lengthy update, test and approval processes, performing FR updates is a major task, so reducing frequency between updates, yet still qualifying for hotfixes is an important factor.
However if there’s a new feature introduced in a particular FR or support for some 3rd party technology you need for your environment, then Innovation Release to implement this feature is the way to go.